Although Religion Does Not Inharit Acquisition Of Wealth , Although It Does Not Hold Up Large Fortunes (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Hello. This question is incomplete. the complete question is:

Although religion does not inhibit the accusation of wealth, although it does not hold up large fortunes as evil, the tenor of its teaching, by and large, is to induce an attitude of indifference to worldly things, things which gratify one's lower self and keep one engrossed in money-making. The student should be made to realize that the real goods of life are spiritual, love of things of the spirit and service of one's fellowmen, joy of an ordered disciplined life. These are blessings money cannot buy. What is wealth before such things of the spirit? Of all religious teachers Jesus Christ has dealt more comprehensively than any other with the problem of wealth in all its aspects. He may be called the greatest exponent of the science of the wealth. With only four words "Blessed are ye poor!" he changed altogether the values which man attached to human existence and human happiness and acquisition and possession of wealth. Real bliss consisted, he taught, not in riches nor in anything else which the world regarded as prosperity or felicity, but in the joy and happiness derived from being at peace with one's fellowmen through perfect love and fellowship and selfless service and sacrifice.

What, according to the author, is the meaning of "indifference"? "Is it applicable to all religions?

Answer and Explanation:

According to the text, we can say that the author shows that the term "indifference" is related to a lack of attachment and affection to wealth and material goods. Most religions preach this indifference, showing that the faithful should be attached only to spiritual goods, that is, they should not care about rich materials, but about a spirit rich in goodness and benevolence.

Although the author stated that religions preach this indifference, there are religions that are based on the term called "prosperity theology" that encourage the faithful to seek material wealth, but do not make it more important than spiritual wealth.

Related Questions

Which of the following sentences
is punctuated correctly?
A. Donna won the race; however, she was
disqualified because she cheated.
B. Donna won the race; however she was
disqualified because she cheated.
G. Donna won the race, however, she was
disqualified because she cheated.
D. Donna won the race however she was
disqualified because she cheated.



option A is a answer


mark me as brainliest

Please answer me. I have exam.​




1. This


3. This

4. That

5. Those



1. A

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. C


HALE. Well, she looked queer.

COUNTY ATTORNEY. How do you mean—queer?

HALE. Well, as if she didn’t know what she was going to do next. And kind of done up.

Which word has a meaning similar to “queer” as it is used in this excerpt?


I believe the answer is doubtful.

Which phrase provides a context clue for the meaning of "preserved"? *
“amazed to find”
“perfect condition”
“unlike any other”
“modern times”



perfect condition i think


perfect condition is the answer!

1. Matthew Henson was an explorer who didn't get credit during his lifetime for his ___________________. 2. Over and over, Henson traveled through the icy ___________________ of the Arctic. accomplishments, determined, expedition, frigid, wilderness



The first blank is accomplishments, and the other one is wilderness.


Hope it helped!! :)

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Complete the sentences to identify the types of research sources Sofia should use.

Sofa works at the city manager's office. She's conducting research on the benefits of providing free, citywide wireless internet access for

all citizens. As a primary source of research, she should use

She should also look up

as a secondary source for her research.





First blank- B) A survey of the resident's opinions

Second black- A) Internal reports on internet hotspots in the city


just took the pre test

The correct options for the blanks are as follows:

A survey of the resident's opinions

Internal reports on internet hotspots in the city.

What is a research?

Research is defined as "creative and methodical work done to increase the body of knowledge." It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data in order to better understand a subject, and is distinguished by a specific focus on identifying and eliminating sources of bias and mistake. Accounting and bias control are features of these operations. A research project could be a development of prior fieldwork. Research could duplicate parts of earlier studies or the entire project to check the reliability of instruments, processes, or experiments.

As opposed to applied research, fundamental research's main goals are the progress of human knowledge through documentation, discovery, interpretation, and research and development (R&D) of methods and systems.

Learn more about research here:


Excerpt from The Care and Keeping of Big Cats Part B
Kate McConnaughey
(11) If you let closely related cats have offspring together, their young would be considered inbred, which means they don't
have a healthy mix of different backgrounds in their physical makeup,
Look at the underlined section marked (11). Choose the answer that best corrects this sentence, if appropriate.
Correct as is.
If you let closely related cats have offspring together, their young would
be considered inbred, which means they don't have a healthy mix of
different backgrounds in their physical makeup that makes them up.
If you let closely related cats have offspring together, their young would
be considered inbred, which means they don't have a healthy mix of
different backgrounds in their physical makeup which makes them who
they are.
If you let closely related cats have offspring together, their young would
be considered inbred, which means they don't have a healthy mix of
different backgrounds in their physical makeup that characterizes what
they are and will be.



I think A but im not 1000% sure


Whom is Gore addressing in his speech?


Answer: He won the Nobel Peace Prize

On Edg 2021

In his speech Al Gore Addressed the Nobel Committee after he won Nobel Peace Prize.

What was Al Gore Speech about?

Al Gore's efforts to address the climate crisis gained even more media attention when the U.N climate panel and he jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

The speech of Al Gore is sincere, touching and genuinely captivating. "We are in danger of producing a perpetual Carbon Summer" while quoting Alfred Nobel, Winston Churchill etc. He names China and the United States as two significant nations that need to set up their efforts to assist. Gore suggests actions that can cut emissions.

Therefore, we can conclude that Al Gore addressed the Nobel Committee in his speech.

Learn more about Al Gore Speech here:


Help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee


Answer i dont know



please help i need it alot


ever ever forever jsjsjsjsjsjs


What are Hinduism’s statistics in regard to the world’s religions overall? How does this affect the range of influence Hinduism has?



Hinduism reinforced a strict social hierarchy called a caste system that made it nearly impossible for people to move outside of their social station. Emperors during the Gupta empire used Hinduism as a unifying religion and focused on Hinduism as a means for personal salvation.

Hinduism exerted an enormous influence on the civilizations of Southeast Asia and contributed greatly to the development of a written tradition in that area. About the beginning of the Common Era, Indian merchants may have settled there, bringing Brahmans and Buddhist monks with them.


Which word correctly completes both of the sentences below?

I had a _______ that would not allow me to remember what I wanted to say to him.

It is the linebackers' job to _______ the offense from getting through to the goal.



The second one is probably “keep“ or ”block”, and the first one is probably “worry” Hope it helps!


What is something you have access to in your community?



my home




my home


How does the setting of the play affect the characters and the plot?



The setting of the play greatly affects characters as well as the plot because it determines multiple things. For starters, where a play takes place can set both mood and tone of the plot. For example, if the play took place in a forest it would see more scary as it would if it took place in a castle. To add on, characters have to adjust to whatever the setting is, additionally their mood and tone has to change along with it.


In Macbeth, how do Malcolm and Donalbain initially react to the murder of
A. They confront Macbeth and Lady Macbeth about the crime,
interrogating each.
B. They seek out the three strange witches and try to understand
their prophecies.
C. They flee Scotland. Malcolm goes to England, and Donalbain goes
to Ireland
D. They fly into a murderous rage and kill the servants who are
accused of the crime.


Malcolm and Donalbain initially react to the murder of Duncan as they flee Scotland. Malcolm goes to England, and Donalbain goes to Ireland. Thus option C is correct.

What is Macbeth?

One of Bach's best plays, Macbeth depicts a man's conscience and the psychological impact of regret. The dark as well as gory play Macbeth examines the balance of nature, fact and perception, witchcraft and the paranormal, ambitions and monarch, light in life, shadow and death, especially witchcraft.

Both of Duncan's sons leave his court, Malcolm to England and Donalbain towards Ireland, knowing that their individual lives are in peril. King Duncan is slain as a result of their desire to flee, making them the main defendants. Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about Macbeth, Here:


Select all the correct answers
which statement describes the writer's point of view about education



what are the answers we need answers

Write a paragraph (minimum 3 sentences)

What is your favorite activity at school. Who do you do it with? Why do you like it? How often do you do it? How does it make you feel?



My favorite school acticity is Study hall. I usually have my study hall with almost my who group of friends, we usually do homework together and help each other on assignments. I like Study hall because I get to see my friends for a decent amount of time. We do study hall every day, unless if it’s a spe day, or event going on that day. It makes me feel really happy because I know I’m getting homework done, but also seeing my friends!

Hope this helps!

Yours Truely, TheAnimeCatUwU

hELP! DUE TODAY Please rewrite or rephrase a bad example of a poem:

People were in awe of me, for I was wonderfully qualified in all blessings
For I was the wealthiest, and well dressed
For I was admirable and graceful in every way
I was all that people aspire to be

But why did I feel ungrateful on the inside?
But why did I have the feeling that something was missing?
Why didn't I have anyone for me like everyone else in town did?

so, I observed the townspeople as they went about their daily lives
hoping, to meet someone for me
but on a quiet summer evening,
I've never felt so alone in my life.


Individuals were in amazement of me, for I was magnificently qualified in all gifts

For I was the richest, and sharp looking

For I was honorable and elegant inside and out

I was all that individuals seek to be

Be that as it may, for what reason did I feel thankless within?

In any case, for what reason did I have the inclination that something was absent?

For what reason didn't I have anybody for me like every other person around did?

along these lines, I noticed the residents as they approached their day by day lives

trusting, to meet somebody for me

be that as it may, on a peaceful summer evening,

I've never felt so alone in my life.

Hope this helped:)

What is the main problem with this conclusion paragraph?
Thesis statement:

Students in middle school should be allowed to use study hall periods however they choose.
Main points:

• If students have homework, they can choose to do it.

• Students who need some quiet time can relax (or draw or listen to music, for example)

• The school can maintain a calm, quiet environment.

As you can see, there are many reasons to allow students to freedom to choose how they spend study hall periods. Well they may decide to do homework, they are old enough to know when they just need a break. This is an easy change that would bring great benefit to Hoover middle school.

A. It does not restate the thesis.

B. It is missing one of the main points.

C. It adds new information.

D. It does not have a satisfying close.



B it does not restate all the main points, since we haven't talked about keeping the school a calm, quiet environment


A synonym for rampant -- quickly
true or false



Here are some synonyms of rampant bc you didn't give us the synonym u came up with. uncontrolled · unrestrained · unchecked · unbridled · widespread · pandemic · epidemic · pervasive · out of control · out of hand · rife · spreading like wildfire



The answer is: False

Explanation: Rampant means flourishing or unchecked, the synonyms are: uncontrolled, out of hand, pandemic, unrestrained etc.

~hope this has helped you out, have a gr8 day/night my friend!~

Read the following lines that the character Romeo says in Romeo and Juliet. In these lines, what is Romeo comparing Juliet to?

But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

a window

the sun

the moon

a sick person​



B the sun is the correct answer :)


If you look at the 3rd line it says, " It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." This is a direct comparison :D




(Treasure island)
Can you please compare Jim Hawkins and dr. livesey please i need help


Dr. Livesey's narration adds a sense of plausibility to all the excitement we've witnessed. All the same, Livesey's observations are rather similar to Jim's so there's no significant break in continuity when he picks up the story.

Why does Wrong-Mind want Right-Mind to bury most of the treasure?



Explanation: Wrong mind breaks sentence agreement because the sentence tenses do not agree. Sentence tenses are past tense, current tense, and future tense. past tense uses -ed, current tense uses -ing, and future tense usually uses the word will before a word

The bad news made Manuel fearful that his well-known infatuation for cheese—a passion he shared with his family—would incriminate him.

In this sentence from the passage, the word infatuation means





just like if someone was infatuated with u

The answer is A) Passion.

Part of the reason we know this is the answer is because infatuation means “a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), which makes sense with the sentence. The other way to know is because, if you insert the other words, none of them make sense with the context of “-a passion he shared with his family”.

Analyze Joan Jett's Reputation.
Ask someone who was in their teens to early twenties in the 80's, think 50 to 65 years old, what behavior gave a person a "bad reputation" in the 80s?
What habits and practices do you participate in that 30-50 years ago would have given you a bad reputation?
This song is from the year 1983, long before the internet was so widely available and long before social media of any kind.
"An' everyone can say what they wanna say"
Apply this line to the way we share information these days.
At 51 seconds into the music video, Joan Jett is kicked out of a place and told, "Come back when you're dressed like a lady." What part does fashion play in someone's reputation?

The video my teahcer is talking abt is Bad Reputation by joan joett and the blackhearts plz watch it for info thanks



Hi , Amy here

dear , I would love to help you out but I'm not quite sure what kind of help do you need . If It will be alright with you to rephrase the question .

Regards Amy

i need help asap plz

Click an item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers. Which syllable key would you use to unlock each root? Put the correct key on the correct lock to "unlock" the root and make it a word. If you need to, check your word in the dictionary.



answer ad e


Please make a sentence with the word prudence?

Can u make another sentence but with the word unabated?

Last one please make a sentence with the word vindication?



He was a friend of Pericles and a, man of prudence and moderation.

His literary work, too, was prosecuted with unabated vigor.

The result was a vindication of all our efforts.



1) With Locke, the moral and practical qualities of virtue and prudence are of the first consideration.

2) During the Crimean War the political reaction continued with unabated force.

3) The army's victory was seen as a vindication of their tactics.

Based on the title, "Life on the Fast Train," and the above image, what prediction can you make about this text's message?
how fast a train will go
types of trains
where trains are the fastest
all of the above








Please help Brainliest answer will be given!



You might not want to copy and paste this but this will help you get a general understanding.


The reason the shape of the light bulb is spherical is because light in a sphere reflects everywhere. As you know a circle does not have edges or an area where light gets cut from. A sphere goes around 360 degrees without an edge so it really does help luminate the entire room.

I hope this helped.

Which statement would the author most likely AGREE with?

(A) Regulating the equipment used in hunting would best prevent poachers from killing the animals.

(B) Laws that ban importing ivory and rhino horn are the most effective way to combat poaching.

(C) Poaching is the sole cause of dwindling numbers of elephants and rhinos.

(D) People's desire for ivory and rhino horn is most responsible for the animals' declining populations.



I would say option C is the answer

Although Religion Does Not Inharit Acquisition Of Wealth , Although It Does Not Hold Up Large Fortunes (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.