The AOA Guide - · Inpatient Progress Note (use the Internal Medicine SOAP)..... 18 History and Physical ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

The AOA Guide:

How to Succeed in the

Third-Year Clerkships

Example Notes for the MSIII



PrefaceThis guide was created as a way of assisting you as you start your clinical training. For the rest of your professional life, you will write various notes. Although they will eventually become second nature to you, it is often challenging at first to figure out what information is pertinent to a particular specialty/rotation. This book is designed to help you through that process. In this book you will find samples of SOAP notes for each specialty and a complete History and Physical. Each of these notes represents very typical patients you will see on the rotation. Look at the way the notes are phrased and the information they contain. We have included an abbre-viations page at the end of this book so that you can refer to it for the short-forms with which you are not yet familiar. Pretty soon you will be using these abbrevia-tions without a problem! These notes can be used as a template from which you can adjust the information to apply to your patient. It is important to remember that these notes are not all inclusive, of course, and other physicians will give sugges-tions that you should heed. If you are ever having trouble, us fourth year medical students are always willing to help!

Table of ContentsPresentations ........................................................................................................3Internal Medicine Progress Note (SOAP) ............................................................3Neurology Progress Note (SOAP) ....................................................................... 7Surgery ................................................................................................................. 9 Progress Note (SOAP) .................................................................................... 9 Pre-Operative Note ....................................................................................... 10 Operative Note ..............................................................................................10 Post-Operative Orders................................................................................... 11 Post-Operative Note ...................................................................................... 11Obstetrics and Gynecology ................................................................................12 L&D H&P ..................................................................................................... 12 Delivery Note ................................................................................................ 13 Post-Partum Note (SOAP) ............................................................................ 13 C-Section Operative Note ............................................................................. 14 Post-Cesarean Section Note (SOAP) ............................................................ 14 Mag Note ...................................................................................................... 14Psychiatry Progress Note (SOAP) ..................................................................... 15Pediatrics ............................................................................................................ 18 Outpatient Progress Note (SOAP) ................................................................ 18 Inpatient Progress Note (use the Internal Medicine SOAP) ......................... 18History and Physical .......................................................................................... 19 Internal Medicine (complete H&P) .............................................................. 19 Adaptations for all other rotations ................................................................ 24Abbreviations used in this guide ....................................................................................25


PresentationsThese brief presentations are crucial in showing attendings that you know your patients and that you know medicine. Attendings will have their preferences and styles, but these tips are typically universal for good presentations.

• Succinct and direct opening line (57 yo M with PMH of HTN and HLD presents with chest pain)

• Tell a chronological story, sticking to the pertinent details. They will inter-rupt if they want more details about things.

• Stick to the structure, whether it be H&P or SOAP

• When they ask you if you asked certain questions, and you didn’t, do not make assumptions and just say you don’t know. On the short list of ways to mess up a rotation, telling false information is at the top. It is also bad for patient care.

• You can ask the residents ahead of time if the attending has a particular style (for example, some want all the vital signs presented while others will only want pertinent abnormal vital signs)

• Confidence. Confidence. Confidence. This is the number one med student mistake. Do not say “I think I felt their liver like 6cm below their ribs”, say “The patient has hepatomegaly palpable to 6m below the costal line.” You will be wrong, often, and that is okay. But be wrong confidently.

• You can start by reading off your notes, but knowing your patients without having to look will impress attendings

• Go for the assessment and plan. You will likely be wrong. But presenting an assessment and plan makes you stand out, and more importantly you will one day be making the plans, so being wrong in a low pressure situation is the best way to learn how.


Internal Medicine**Notes on internal medicine are generally longer than notes on other services. As the “primary team,” you are responsible for addressing all of the patient’s issues, and inpatients are often complex. When writing IM notes, be sure to address each problem a patient has in your assessment and plan. With Epic, most of the information will autofill. Use the example note below as things to include, and ensure that you 1) Do not copy a resident’s note 2) Update all sections each morning.Progress Note5/15/16 (Date) 0630 (Time) MS III Green 3 Progress Note.

S: Subjective is what the patient tells you (i.e. “I’m having pain)(On inpatient services, overnight issues are typically documented first in the note)

Pt resting comfortably this morning. Overnight, pt c/o insomnia. Also c/o contin-ued leg pain. Pt rates pain at 5/10 and received PRN Percocet x2 overnight, which improved pain. Denies F/C/CP/SOB/N/V/D/abd pain. Tolerating PO well, had BM overnight, voiding on own.

O: Objective includes any vitals, physical exam, labs, and imaging (in this order). Vital Signs(Reporting ranges of vital signs is more important than individual values)Tc: 97.4 Tmax: 98.6 P: 80-93 BP: 120-130/70-90 RR: 20 SpO2: 99% on RA I 24 hrs: 3300 mL O 24hrs: 1500 mL (if pt has foley, note that) Balance: +1800

Physical Exam(The below exams are mandatory on every patient, but there will also be exams specific to your patient to do every day based on their diagnoses, i.e. a neuro exam if the patient had a stroke. Put that in this section, as well.)HEENT: PERRL, EOMI, no LADCV: RRR, nl S1+S2, Ø m/r/gLungs: CTAB, Ø w/r/r/cAbd: Soft, NT/ND, +BS, no rebound, no guarding, no hepatomegaly, no massesExt: Ø c/c/e

Labs/StudiesWrite all daily labs and trends in here (e.g. Hgb 9.2 ↓ 10.3, often a smartphrase like .last3CBC, .24hrlabs that can do this). Make sure to trend lab values that are particularly pertinent to the patient – WBC count in pneumonia, Hb in GI bleed, Cr in AKI, and so forth (this also shows the attending you know how to interpret these lab values)


A/P: Assessment & PlanThis has many formats, the main two are:

1. Problem based (as below) – this is most common on general medical and surgi-cal floors.2. Systems based (i.e. list ID, then under that heading have all current infections, their status and the treatment; second list CV, list all problems such as HTN or CAD that relate to that system, their status and the treatment, and so on for all sys-tems) – this tends to be more common in ICU settings or for very complex patients.Attendings will have their preferences, so you should follow that model. The first sentence is critical as it is usually the first sentence in your presentation. While there are many ways of structuring the initial assessment sentence (and many at-tendings have their own particulars), it generally follows one of the two following formats:New patient: [Description of patient] with [relevant PMH] presents with [symptoms/signs/concerning labs/imaging] concerning for [differential].The patient is a [28-year-old female] with [PMH of sickle cell disease, DM II, HTN, GERD, and anxiety] who presents with [left leg pain and increased reticulo-cyte count] concerning for [sickle cell crisis].

Patient you have been seeing all week: 43-year-old female who presented with RUQ pain found to have biliary colic and admitted for pain management, stable on current pain regimen. (The status of the patient.)1. Sickle Crisis - Hemoglobin, reticulocyte count stable - Pain currently controlled on Dilaudid PCA and PO oxycontin - T/C switching to IV morphine today2. DM - Controlled on metformin - Creatinine levels WNL, continue metformin - Continue SSI (sliding scale insulin)3. HTN - Well-controlled, continue home lisinopril 5mg qdaily4. GERD - Well-controlled, continue home pantoprazole 20mg qdaily5. Anxiety - Controlled during the day, but patient continues with insomnia - T/C adding Ambien PRN6. FEN (food, electrolytes, nutrition) Now with good PO intake, can decrease IV fluids to 100 mL/hr - Diabetic diet given PMH


7. DVT Prophylaxis - SCDs (sequential compression devices)8. Disposition - Full code - Possible discharge this week

Signature: Last name, MSIII

Extra Hints• Put what day of the antibiotic it is today. If it is the 4th day in a total of 14

days then put “Day 4/14”.

• Print your notes and bring them to rounds. That way if someone asks you something you don’t remember (the vitals, the sodium today, etc.) you can just pull it out of your pocket and look at it.

Tips for IM at Jefferson• Signout (aka Handoff): Signout is a way for the day team and night team to

exchange critical information about the patients. Help your team by keeping signout updated. Generally, update the tasks to reflect what has been done and needs to be followed up (i.e. [ ] f/u CBC). Update to reflect changes in clinical picture (e.g. imaging gave you a diagnosis).Discuss with your team if they have preferences.

• Discharge: Discharge summaries can be started as soon as a patient is admit-ted to your service, and they are essentially a summary of important events during the hospital course.List important diagnostic imaging, lab work, follow up appointments, and fill in the disease-related sections relevant to your patient (i.e. Warfarin, Diabetes, Heart Disease). Depending on the hospital, you may not have access to edit these in the EMR. In Epic you can type a hospital summary at the bottom of the handout, which your residents will have access to.

• Consults: Your team will often have you call in consults. Be ready with a concise presentation about your patient and be clear about what specific questions you hope the consulting team can provide.

How to Page Your TeamShort range pager: 22+ pager IDLong range pager: 877-656- pager ID



S: NAE O/N (no acute events overnight). Pt continues to c/o (complain of) weak-ness in LLE, now improving.O: VS: T: 37.1-37.5 P: 82-90 BP: 124/84-130/80 R: 22-23

Gen: NAD, resting comfortably in bed HEENT: atraumatic, normocephalic; TM clear with visible landmarks; sclera and conjunctiva clear; no LAD, no neck masses or asymmetry, no carotid bruit CV: RRR, normal S1 and S2, no S3, S4, murmurs, rubs, or gallopsLungs: CTAB, no wheezes, rales, or rhonchiAbd: soft, NT/ND, +BSx4 quadrants, no masses palpable, no organomegalySkin: no rashes, lesions, petechiaeExt: 2+ pedal pulses bilaterally, no c/c/e Neuro: (normal exam)

1.) Mental status AAOx3 (or lethargic/obtunded/etc) N/R/C intact WORLD DLROW Recall 3/3

Awake, Alert, Oriented to person, place, time Naming, repetition, comprehension intact Spells world backwards Recall 3 named objects (red, ball, pen) after 2 minutes

2.) CN PERRL, EOMI, V1-V3 intact, FS, palate elevates symmetric, TM, SCM 5/5

Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light Extraocular muscles intact Sensation in V1-V3 intact Face symmetric Palate elevates symmetric Tongue midline 5/5 strength in sternocleidomastoid

3.) Motor Nl B+T 5/5 strength x4 No fix, no drift

Normal bulk and tone 5/5 strength in all 4 extremities No fix or drift

4.) Sensation Intact to LT/PP/Temp/Vib/Prop No agraph, no astereo

Intact to light touch, pin prick, temperature, vibration and proprioception No astereoagnosia No agraphesthesia

5.) Coordination FTN, RAM, and HTS intact

Finger-to-nose, rapid alternating movements, heal-to-shin intact

6.) Gait Narrow based, no ataxia, intact to tandem and heal-toe, negative Rhomberg


A: 64 y/o M with PMH atrial fibrillation presents with L-sided weakness and found to have R MCA ischemic stroke on CT. L-sided weakness continues to improve, with patient exhibiting increased strength. Pt maintained on warfarin with INRs now in therapeutic range.


11.Neuro: Continue PT/OT for L sided weakness 2.CV: Continue warfarin at current dose with daily INR 3.FEN/GI: Cardiac diet 4.Prophylaxis: SCDs (sequential compression devices), OOB (out of bed) with assistance as tolerated 5.Dispo: Pending INR in therapeutic range and homecare

7.) Reflex: Grade 4+ (clonus), 3 (hyperactive), 2 (nL), 1 (Hypo), 0 (none)

Arrow at feet: Babinski upgoing (+) or downgoing (-,nl)

Biceps C5

Triceps C7

Brachioradialis C6

Patellar L4

Achilles S1

Babinski (up/down)



General tips: It can be difficult to be helpful on surgery. Some ways include: removing the patient’s bed from the OR after they are transferred to the OR table, bringing it in after and helping to transfer them back onto the bed, putting SCDs on the patient, positioning the patient, help wheel them back to the PACU, telling jokes to nervous patients in pre-op, grabbing gloves and a gown for the resident who will scrub in with you, always write your name on the board under “student”. Anticipating the next step shows your paying attention, i.e. when your resident starts suturing, you should ask for scissors. Also, NEVER touch the Mayo tray (the tray with the instruments on it).Surgery notes are typically shorter than what you will write on other services, such as IM. Always include post-operative day (the day of surgery is day #0) and the procedure that was performed. Ins & Outs (I&Os) are particularly important on many surgical services, so check all tubes/drains and record their outputs, making sure to report if they have urinated yet post-surgery. Removing the Foley catheter is often an important part of the plan for POD#1. Bowel recovery (passing gas or stool) as well as diet are also important in post-op patients, be sure to ask and document! Comment on whether or not the patient has been out of bed (OOB) and remark on ambulation. If bandages are to be removed on POD#1, this is typically a helpful task that can be handled by the medical student while pre-rounding. After you remove the bandage, inspect the wound and remark whether or not it is clean, dry and intact (CDI). If it is not, make sure to comment what the drainage looks like in color and consistency (pus, serosanguinous, etc.).

Progress Note6/5/16 (Date) 0500 (Time) Progress Note MSIII Green SurgeryS: 33 yo female admitted for appendicitis, hospital day #3, POD (post-op day) #2, s/p appendectomy. Abx – Flagyl day #3 of 7. Patient having some peri-incisional pain, however pain is well controlled with PCA (patient controlled analgesia pump). No drainage from incision site, (+) ambulation, (+) BM and flatus. Cur-rently on clear liquid diet and is tolerating it well. Foley still in place. (-) N/V, (-) SOB, no overnight issues. O: VS: Tmax 38.3, Tc 38.1, BP 120/80, P 75-80, RR 16-18, O2 99% on RAI/O: 1250/2000 x 24hrs, 1000/1200 since midnight, UO (Urine Output) 1100 ccin 24 hours, 46cc/hr, JP (Jackson-Pratt drain) 200cc in 12 hrs, 16cc/hr(If patient has NG (nasogastric) tube or other drains you would record their 12hr output here also)Gen: NAD, AAOx3CV: RRR, (+) S1/S2, (-) m/r/gLungs: CTAB, (-) w/r/r/cAbd: (+) tenderness on palpation in RLQ (right lower quadrant), ND, (+) BS Inci-sion: C/D/I, (-) erythema, staples intact, JP drain in place Ext: (-) C/C/E, 2+ dorsalis pedis bilaterally, (-) calf tenderness, calf SCDs in place.


Labs: CBC, BMP, UA, etc.Imaging: CXR negative, etcA/P: 33 yo female, POD # 2, s/p appendectomy. Patient doing well.1. Low grade fever – likely secondary to atelectasis • Continue incentive spirometry • Continue Flagyl 7 day course • T/C blood cultures if continued fever • Encourage ambulation2. Pain is improving • Switch PCA to oral analgesic3. Diet – tolerating clear liquids • Advance to house/regular diet4. Good urine output • D/C Foley5. Prophylaxis • Continue incentive spirometry • Continue SCDs6. Dispo: Pending PO pain mgmt. and inc oral intakePre-Operative Note 6/2/16 600 Pre-OP Note MSIII Green SurgeryPre-op dx: AppendicitisLabs: CBC, BMP, PT/PTT resultsCXR: ClearECG: Normal sinus rhythm, within normal limitsBlood: Typed and crossed x 2 unitsAnesthesia: Pre-op completed consent for anesthesia is signed and in the chartConsent: Signed and in the chartOrders: 1 gm cefoxitin OCTOR (on call to OR), NPO (nothing by mouth) after midnightOperative Note 6/2/16 1100 OP Note MSIII Green SurgeryOP Note: Green Surgery TeamPre-op dx: Appendicitis Post-op dx: Appendicitis Procedure: Open AppendectomySurgeons: Write attendings, residents, med student present for the surgery (MSIII)Anesthesia: GeneralFluids: 1200ml LRUO (urine output): 500ccEBL (estimated blood loss): 50cc


Op findings: No perforationSpecimen: Appendix sent to pathologyDrain: JP drainComplications: NonePost Operative Orders: ADC VANDALISM 6/2/16 1300 Post-OP Orders MSIII Green SurgeryAdmit: 3 WestDiagnosis: Appendicitis s/p appendectomyCondition: StableVitals: q (every) shiftAllergies: NKDA (no known drug allergies)Nursing orders: Strict I/Os, SCDs, Foley catheter to gravity, incentive spirometryDiet: NPOActivity: as toleratedLabs: CBC, BMP in AMIV fluids: D5 ½ NS + 20 KCL at rate of 100cc/hrStudies: CXRMeds: Abx: Cefotaxime 1g IV q8hrs for 24 hoursProphylaxis: Heparin 5000 units SCAnalgesic: PCA (patient controlled analgesic) pumpAny pre-op medications the patient has been on and PRN medsCall house officer if HR > 100 or < 60, BP > 180/100 or < 90/60, Temp > 39.5Post Operative Note (***at least 6 hours after surgery***)6/2/16 1800 Post-OP Note MSIII Green Surgery Status: s/p appendectomy, patient having mild discomfortNeuro: AAOx3VS: stable/afebrileI/O: 1000ml LR UO: 500cc x 6 hours Labs: CBC, BMP in amPhysical Exam:CV: RRR, (+) S1/S2, (-) m/r/gLungs: CTA B/LAbd: Soft, RLQ tenderness, (-) bowel sounds, dressing C/D/I

A/P: 33 yo female s/p appendectomy POD #0 in stable condition 1. IV hydration 2. Pain management with PCA 3. 1g cefotaxime IV q8hrs for 24 hours4. DVT (deep vein thrombosis) prophylaxis: SCDs (sequential compression devices), heparin 5000 units sc


Obstetrics and Gynecology

Ob/Gyn notes blend elements of internal medicine and general surgery, and obvi-ously focus on a specific patient population. Obstetric notes are unique in that they address the conditions of 2 patients. Completeness is paramount. The gravida-para system (G#P####) should always be included in Ob/Gyn notes and you must know each item of this system for each patient.

Gravida: Number of times pregnant, regardless of whether these pregnancies were carried to term. Current pregnancy is included in this count. Twin pregnancy is counted as 1.

Para: TPAL (full Term/Pre-term/Abortions/Living children)

G5P3114 = 5 pregnancies, 3 term births, 1 preterm birth, 1 abortion/miscarriage, 4 living childrenL&D History & Physical CC: (vagin*l bleeding VB / contractions CTX / loss of fluid LOF / fetal movement FM)HPI: __ y/o GXPXXXX with LMP (last menstrual period) of __ and an EDC (estim__ y/o GXPXXXX with LMP (last menstrual period) of __ and an EDC (estimated date of confinement) of __ confirmed/changed by a 1st trimester U/S, at __ weeks EGA (estimated gestational age) who p/w __. She states that her CTX began at __ and are now q__ minutes. She currently admits/denies nausea, vomiting, RUQ pain, headache, blurred vision, vagin*l bleeding, or decreased fetal movement. Prenatal course was significant for __.Prenatal Labs:First visit at __ weeks EGA: _____Weight Gain: _____ BP Range: _____Blood type/Rh/Ab screen Triple screenCBC UA/UCxGTT/glucose screen GBSRubella RPRHIV HBsAgPap GC, chlamydiaU/S (dates, changes to EGA, location of placenta, position of fetus, fetal anatomy, amount of amniotic fluid)Ob Hx: year/EGA/type of delivery/type of c/s incision/gender/wt/complicationsGyn Hx: menarche/cycle Hz and length/STDs/PID/PapsPMHx: standard questions + HTN/DM/MVP/asthma/thyroid/renal/VTEPE: VitalsFHT (fetal heart tracing): baseline, variability, +accels, - decelsTocometry: CTX q _mins, regularStandard exam (CV, Pulm)Fundal height/Leopold’s/reflexes/cervical examExamine for ROM (i.e. nitrazine/ferning/pooling)


Cervical exam (only do supervised): 3 cm / 50% effaced / 0 stationPlan: __ yo GXPXXX at __ EGA in active labor/PPROM/preeclampsia/postdates, etc. FHT (non-)reassuring/reactive, Category 1. – plan for managementOther Ob Dx (GBS/GHTN/GDM/SGA) – plan for abx/labs/etc. Medical Dx (asthma/MVP/thyroid/anemia) – plan

Delivery Note06/20/08 0600 Delivery MSIII NoteSVD of a viable ♂/ ♀ infant with Apgars of __/__, weight of __ under __ anesthe-sia from the __ position. The infant’s head was delivered in a controlled fashion. Meconium was not present/thick/thin. The mouth and nares were bulb suctioned prior to delivery of the body. Nuchal cord x1, 2 (if applicable). The body delivered easily. The cord was clamped and cut and the infant was transferred. Cord was 2/3 vessel and bloods & gases were obtained. The placenta was delivered spontane-ously, intact/with __ complication. The fundus was firm with minimal bleeding. Inspection of the vagin* and cervix revealed 1/2/3/4o lacerations. Lacerations were repaired with [3.0 vicryl] with hemostasis and restoration of anatomy. The EBL was __mL. The attending was __ with assistant __. The mother was taken to postpartum in good condition. The infant was taken to the term nursery/trans nursery/ICN.*Dr. Lackritz also provides a fill-in-the blank delivery note in her “Survival Guide.”Postpartum Note06/21/08 0800 PPD#1 MSIII Note06/21/08 0800 PPD#1 MSIII Note(Day of delivery = PPD (post-partum day) 0)S: Pain, able/unable to tolerate PO, able/unable to ambulate, +/-BM, +/- void-ing, +/-N/V, +/-CP/SOB/HA/dizziness/breast tenderness, presence of lochia (postpartum vagin*l bleeding: basically ask if it is lighter than, same as, or heavier than a period). Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding, does/does not desire circumcision, post-partum contraceptive method O: VS: Tc: 98.7 Tmax: 98.9 P: 95-100 RR: 14-16 BP: 120/80I/O: PO/IV intake / urine/emesis/etcCV: RRR, +S1+S2, no m/r/gPulm: CTAB, no w/r/rAbd: soft, F (fundus) = U-1 (one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus), firm, NT (non-tender)Ext: no LE edemaLabs: Mother A+, infant AB+, RPR neg, Rubella immuneCBC: (pre-delivery and post-delivery values)A: _ yo GXPXXXX PPD #1 s/p SVD


P: 1. AF VSS (afebrile, vital signs stable), pt doing well 2. Check CBC 3. Other medical problems 4. Breastfeeding, contraceptionC/S Operative NotePre-Op Dx: (breech, NRFHT, maternal exhaustion, failure to dilate, arrest of labor)Post-Op Dx: “Same” + Delivery of live ♂/ ♀, weight, Apgars + Did you find anything else during the surgery?Procedure: Primary or repeat C/S, type of incision + Other procedures such as tubal ligation, hysterectomySurgeon: Ima Surgeon, MDAssistants: Fellows, residents, and studentsAnesthesia: General, spinal, epiduralEBL: X mLFluids Administered: Type of fluids given X mLUrine output: X mLFindings: Live ♂/ ♀ infant, weight, Apgars + Color of amniotic fluids/meconium + Presence of adhesions + Appearance of ovaries and tubes + Other findings, such as abruptions, cord knots, etc.Complications: Check with attending or resident for descriptionSpecimens: Cord blood & gases, placenta, cultures, tissue samplesDrains: Foley catheterInstrument and Pad Count: Correct (usually)Post-Op Condition of Mother: Stable/intubated/etc.Post-Op Condition of the Newborn: Stable/intubated/etc. and which nursery baby is going to (term, transitional, or ICN).

C/S Post-Operative NoteTake the format of the postpartum note and title it POD #1. Usually the patients are on strict I&O for the first day (IV fluid, foley, etc). Also, comment on the incision site and whether it is C/D/I (clean, dry, intact) and closed with staples/suture.

Magnesium NoteS: Ask about SOB, HA, visual disturbances, N/V RUQ painO: Vital signs, fetal heart tones and contractions, urine output (Mg should cause diuresis), general appearance (Mg can cause lethargy), Cardiovascular, Lungs (Mg can cause pulmonary edema), Abdomen, Extremities (assess patellar and Achilles reflexes, assess for clonus)Labs: Mg level every 6 hoursA/P: _ yo GXPXXXX at gestational age _, on MgSO4 for PTL or Preeclampsia. No signs/symptoms of Mg toxicity. Pre-operative, Operative, and Post-operative notes for all Gynecology patients are the same as the surgery notes (see the General Surgery section in this guide).



As this note is different from the other notes, first is a breakdown of the Mental Status Exam (Psych’s physical exam, not to be confused with the mini-mental sta-tus exam) and second is an example of a SOAP note. It is important to remember that the “subjective” section of the SOAP note often includes parts of the Mental Status Exam.

Mental Status Exam (MSE)(Be descriptive enough to pick the patient out of a waiting room)Appearance • Appears stated age, appears older/younger than stated age • Build: average, thin, overweight, obese, cachectic• Dress and grooming: well-groomed, appropriately dressed, unkempt, dishev- eled, in hospital gown, track marks, etc.• Posture and gait: steady, ataxic, shufflingBehavior• Alertness and consciousness: awake, alert, arousable, obtunded• Activity: calm, agitated, slowed, resting tremor, tics, etc.• Eye contact: good, intermittent/poor, none, avoidant, intense• Attitude toward interviewer: cooperative, hostile, suspicious, guardedSpeech• Rate, volume, prosody, clarity, tone (pressured, quiet, slowed)Mood (a quote from the patient that summarizes how they feel)• Examples: “good,” “fine,” “not well,” “angry,” “depressed,” “okay” Affect (objective assessment of patient’s emotion)• Quality – depth and range of feelings displayed: full, flat, blunted, constricted• Motility – how quickly emotional state shifts: stable, labile• Appropriateness – is affect congruent with stated mood: appropriate vs. inap propriate, mood-congruent vs. mood-incongruentThought Process• Logical, goal-oriented, circ*mstantial, tangential, loose associations, racing, incoherent, concrete, blocked, flight of ideas, perseverating, etc.Though Content• Hallucinations: auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory• Delusions: religious, persecutory, paranoid, referential, grandiose, bizarre• Suicidal or homicidal ideation• Phobias• Obsessions/compulsionsCognition (the mini-mental status exam [MMSE] provides a more complete as-sessment of patient’s cognition)• Orientation: name, place, time• Concentration: WORLD ←→ DLROW, serial 7’s, etc.• Memory/Recall: 3 words (e.g. brown, hospital, honesty); immediately and after several minutes


Insight (the patient’s ability to recognize their problem and the impact of the problem)• Good, fair, poor, impairedJudgement (the patient’s ability to make good decisions about everyday activities)• Good, fair, poor, impairedPsychiatry Progress NoteSOAP format which should include subjective information, an objective mental status exam, and A/P.Additional subjective components of importance: SIGECAPS, DIGFAST, per-sonality disorders (borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, etc.) and substance abuse as applicable to the patient.

Major Depression (5/9 is positive) Bipolar Type I/II (Mania)

Sleep Interest Guilt Energy Concentration Appetite Psychom*otor Retardation Suicidal / Homicidal Ideation

Distractibility Irresponsible behavior Grandiosity Flight of ideas Activity level significantly increased Sleep is decreased Talkativeness (pressured speech)

Tip for inpatient and consult Psychiatry is calling “collateral” family and friends. Leave a note every time you call with date and time, even if no one picked up or you left a message. It’s important to leave a track record to prove you reached out.Sample Note6/21/16 0745 Psychiatry Progress Note MSIIIS: The patient says, “They put a pickle in my brain and fried it,” when asked how she was feeling. She denies any problems with sleep, indicating that she slept “9 million hours.” She states that she has been eating her meals. The RN notes indi-cate that the patient was seen interacting with others last night. She endorses AH, denies VH, and denies SI/HI. O: T: 98.6 P: 100 RR: 16 BP: 120/80MSE (see previous page): The patient was dressed inappropriately in a dirty sweatshirt, hospital gown, and mismatched shoes. She was malodorous. She made appropriate eye-contact and cooperated with the exam. No abnormal movements; no psychom*otor agitation/retardation. Her speech was of normal rate, volume, and prosody, though she mumbled. Her stated mood is “fine,” and her affect is congruent with her stated mood. She denies SI/HI (suicidal or homicidal ideation) and denies any VH/TH (visual, tactile hallucinations). She endorses AH (auditory hallucinations), stating that she hears “the president talking to my brain.” She


indicates that the voice she hears simply tells her she is “doing a good job.” She denies thought insertion and thought broadcasting. Her insight is poor and her judgment is impaired.CV: RRR, no m/r/g/S3/S4Lungs: CTABAbd: soft, NT, ND, +BSA/P: The patient is a 63 yo F with disorganized schizophrenia who is slowly improving on medications.• Willing to attempt ADLs (activities of daily living) today, an improvement since yesterday• Continue risperidone at current dose• Individual/group/milieu (this is written for all patients in the inpatient setting, meaning that they are getting therapy by just being there)• Mental Health Court tomorrowPsychiatry Consult and Liaison: You will be writing a full History and Physical on each patient. Follow the guide on H&Ps in the back of the booklet. Remember to include the mental status exam as the majority of your physical exam.


PediatricsPediatrics Outpatient SOAP Note05/29/12 (Date) 0900 (Time) Pediatric Outpatient Note MSIIIS: 4-month-old male presents for well baby visitConcerns: no concerns since last visitDiet: several bottles of Similac with iron per day, no solids (ask about fluoride and vitamin supplementation)Development: normal Denver – babbles and coos, smiles, laughs, holds head up, rolls from front to back, raises body on hands, grasps rattle, recognizes parent’s voiceBowel/Bladder: BMs x 2 per day, soft, slightly formed stool, no straining, noblood, 6-8 wet diapers per day (toilet training after 21 months)Sleep: sleeps in crib in own room on his back, wakes once per night for bottleDental: no teeth (If a child has a tooth it should be brushed, should see dentist at age 3)Safety: rear facing car seat in the back seat, sleeps on back, (+) smoke and carbon monoxide detectors (helmet use, gun safety, pet safety)Immunizations: UTD (up to date), needs DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis), Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B), IPV (inactivated poliovirus), PCV (pneumococcal)For adolescents: drugs/alcohol/tobacco, sexual activity, after-school activities,hours of screen time (TV and computer), school, depression/self-esteem.

O: Length: 25in, Weight: 14lbs 8oz, Head circumference: 16.5in, Pulse: 130Gen: awake, alert, no acute distress, smilingHEENT: anterior fontanelle open, flat and soft (AFOFS), normocephalic atrau-matic (NCAT), (+) red reflexes bilaterally, follows past midline, (-) strabismus, pupils equally round and reactive to light (PERRL), normal tympanic membranes B/L, inferior turbinates slightly pale and boggy, throat clearNeck: supple, (-) lymphadenopathy (LAD)Skin: (-) rashes, (-) Mongolian spotsCV: RRR, (+) S1&S2, (-) murmurs, equal radial and femoral pulsesResp: CTA B/L, (-) wheezes/rhonchi/ralesAbd: soft, (+) bowel sounds, NT, ND, (-) masses, (-) hepatosplenomegalyExt: normal range of motion (ROM), (-) Ortolani, (-) BarlowGU: normal GU with no fusion of labial folds / testicl*s descended B/L, no hydrocelesNeuro: (+) Moro reflex, (+) grasping reflex, (+) stepping reflex

A/P: 4 month old male presents for well baby visit. No new complaints.1. Diet: add cereal and then pureed fruits/veggies, only add one new food per week to gauge tolerance2. Safety: discussed ‘child proofing’ the house (hot liquids, sharp objects, outlets, cords, etc.) as baby is becoming more mobile3. Immunizations: received DTaP, IPV, Hib, PVC today4. Follow up in 2 months

Outpatient Note: Important to document in the Plan what “anticipatory guidance” was given to the parents (i.e. what to expect between Pediatrician visits). For well visits you should always ask and include developmental milestones. The Bright Fu-tures book or Denver criteria can be helpful in referencing appropriate milestones.Inpatient Note: Use the Internal Medicine note as a guide but remember to add in a sentence about how the child is eating, sleeping, urinating, and defecating. Also, give I’s and O’s in ml/kg/hour (goal is >1).


Sample History and Physical

Below is an example of a thorough History and Physical. It can be used as a guide for an H&P you will do on all admissions and consults throughout the year regard-less of the rotation. After the example, there are suggestions of ways to change the H&P for that rotation..

History and PhysicalChief Complaint: “I was driving home and my heart started racing”

HPI: The patient is a 39-year-old female at 27+0 weeks gestation who had a sudden onset of palpitations and dizziness while driving home on the day of admis-sion. The patient describes the palpitations as though her baby was kicking in her chest and her heart was racing. While there was associated dizziness, the patient did not lose consciousness nor did she experience any diaphoresis, nausea, or chest pain. She did become short of breath, but attributes this to feeling anxious about what was happening. She was able to drive to her house without stopping, at which time she rested for half an hour, with no improvement in symptoms. She measured her blood sugar by Accucheck, which was 91, her blood pressure, which was “90 over something,” and her pulse, which was 126. Pulse measurement 30 minutes later were 129 and 131, prompting her to call her OB/GYN who suggested that she go to the ER. She was assessed at 6pm last night.PMH • Gestational diabetes with her 1st child, which resolved at birth • Genital herpesPSH • Tonsillectomy • Wisdom tooth extraction • EpisiotomyMedicationsCurrently: Prenatal vitamins.Prior to becoming pregnant: OrthoEvra patch, herbs, megavitamins, lysine PRNAllergies (Include REACTIONS)Codeine and sulfa drug; urticariaFamily HistoryPatient is adopted and has no information on her biological parents. She has one living child who is healthy.Social HistoryThe patient is currently married and lives at home with her husband and her child. She has never used tobacco and denies the use of any illegal drugs including misuse of prescription drugs. She used to drink a glass of wine once a week prior to becoming pregnant. The patient has never used any IV drugs. She has been treated for genital herpes and she prefers to take lysine supplements now instead of anti-viral medication. She indicates she will start acyclovir about two months prior to giving birth. The patient is the Director of Admissions at a private school. She


does feel safe at home. She wears a seatbelt and has firearms at home though they are safely stored and locked. She also has a cat.Review of SystemsGeneral: Weight gain with pregnancy, she is always fatigued, no fevers or chills.Skin: No changes, no itchingHead: No recent headaches or trauma. Dizziness as above in HPI.Eyes: No recent changes in vision. The patient does not need glasses or contacts.Ears: No hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, discharge, or pain.Nose: No rhinorrhea, epistaxis, or changes in her sense of smell or taste. Mouth/Throat/Neck: No sore throat, dysphagia, odynophagia, or change in her sense of taste. No recent bleeding. She has not noticed any new neck masses.Breast: No changes noted except for an increase in size due to pregnancyRespiratory: Some shortness of breath (as in HPI), no cough or wheeze.Cardiovascular: No chest pain. Palpitations as in HPI, no edema.GI: No nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. The patient is constipated which she describes as normal and her stools are hard and brown. There has been no change in color or consistency and there has been no visible blood. Urinary: No dysuria. She has noted frequency but as expected with her pregnancy. No incontinence.OB: G2P1001. Patient is due on 11/24/16. She had had preterm contractions in July and was given Indocin and the contractions resolved. She has had no other complications with either this pregnancy or her last (except for the gestational diabetes as noted above).Musculoskeletal: Patient complains of some bilateral hip pain (from her preg-nancy). She has no problems with range of motion or joint pain.Neurologic: no loss of consciousness. Dizziness as above. Patient also complains of some hand weakness.Hematologic: No known anemia or easy bruising.Endocrine: No expressed heat/cold intolerance. No diaphoresis. Patient notes that she could not perform an oral glucose tolerance test during this pregnancy because of adverse reactions to the test during her first pregnancy. There is an assumed diagnosis of gestational diabetes for this pregnancy.Psychiatric: No recent changes in mood. No anxiety or depression.

Physical ExamVitals: Temp 37.1°C by mouth. Pulse 106/min. BP 106/84 supine. RR 16/minGeneral: Patient is in no apparent distress, well appearing pregnant woman.Skin: Some spider veins noted on her upper thighs bilaterally.Head: Normocephalic, atraumaticEyes: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. Extraocular eye muscles intact. Anicteric, non-injected.Ears: No discharge. Tympanic membranes pale bilaterally.Nose: No polyps or discharge. Nares are symmetrical. No tenderness.


Mouth/Throat: Adequate dentition with some plaque noted on teeth. Moist mu-cous membranes. No exudates or erythema. No ulcers or lesions.Neck: Normal range of motion. Trachea is midline. Thyroid exam normal.Heart: Tachycardic with an irregularly irregular rhythm. Audible S1 and S2. No murmurs, rubs, gallops, S3, nor S4. PMI in 4th interspace in the mid clavicular line. Central venous pressure of 6mmHg with the head at 45 degrees.Lungs: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. Resonant to percussion. Equal chest excursion. Normal vocal fremitus.Abdomen: Linea nigra of pregnancy noted on abdomen. No tenderness on palpa-tion. No rebound. Fundal height 27cm (consistent with dates). Normoactive bowel sounds. Tympanic on percussion. Liver span estimated at 9cm in the mid clavicular line. No splenomegaly. No costovertebral angle tenderness.GU: Patient refusedRectal: Patient refusedMusculoskeletal: No muscular atrophy. Full range of motion.Vascular: No carotid bruitsVessel Right Left Carotid 2/4 2/4Radial 2/4 2/4Femoral 2/4 2/4Popliteal Unable to appreciate Unable to appreciatePosterior Tibial 2/4 2/4Dorsalis Pedis 2/4 2/4Lymphatic: No lymphadenopathy (preauricular, posterior auricular, occipital, anterior cervical, posterior cervical, submandibular, submental, supraclavicular, femoral, inguinal)Neurologic: (also see Neurology Exam, pp. 5-6): Cranial nerve 1 intact to coffee grounds. CN 2 intact to print 2 cm in height held 12 inches from face. CN 3,4,6 intact to tracking a finger. CN 5 intact to bilateral bite on tongue blades. CN 7 intact to puffing cheeks, smiles, growls, closing eyelids, and wrinkling brow. CN 8 intact to normal volume of speech. CN 9,10 intact with equal elevation of palate bi-laterally. CN 11 intact to shoulder shrug. CN 12 intact with no tongue deviation on protrusion. Power 5/5 throughout (deltoids, biceps, triceps, wrist extensors, wrist flexors, hip extensors, hip flexors, quadriceps, plantarflexors, dorsiflexors). Sensa-tion was grossly intact when tested with a safety pin. Cerebellar exam was within normal limits with finger-nose-finger and rapid alternating movements. Reflexes: 2+ upper (biceps and triceps) and lower (patellar and Achilles) bilaterally.


Labs/Studies:8/24 (day of admission):Sodium 137 TSH: 3.22Potassium 3.8Chloride 106 WBC 13.1CO2/bicarb 20 Hemoglobin 11.8BUN 10 Hematocrit 33.9Creatinine 0.5 Platelets 246Glucose 86Magnesium 1.8 Set 1 Set 2 Set 3TroponinT < .01 < .01 < .01CK < 25 < 20 < 20CKMB 1.4 1.3 1.1

UrinalysisSpecific gravity 1.008Clear, yellow15 mg/dL ketones pH 7.0Neg for blood, heme, leukocyte esterase, nitrites, urobilinogen, and protein

EKG: Irregularly irregular with some fibrillation waves present

Assessment: Patient is a 39-year-old female with a history of gestational diabetes and genital herpes, who presents with new onset palpitations and dizziness.

Differential Diagnosis: 1. Cardiovascular a. Atrial fibrillation i. Hyperthyroid ii. Structural disease (valvular, myocardial infarction, atrial enlargement) b. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia (unlikely) c. Pregnancy-induced hypertension from compression of the IVC with increased heart rate as compensation 2. Renal a. Hypovolemia i. Dehydration ii. Hemorrhage 3. Metabolic a. Hypoglycemia b. Hyperthyroid 4. Psychiatric a. Panic attack


Plan 1. CV: a. Repeat EKG, echocardiogram, cardiac enzymes b. T/C starting diltiazem or a beta-blocker for rate control 2. Labs: a. Chem 7, orthostatics, CBC b. Blood sugar, TSH level 3. Monitor. Consider PRN benzodiazepines 4. Fluid/Electrolytes/Nutrition: no issues 5. Prophylaxis: SCDs 6. Disposition: Awaiting studies to determine if the event is cardiac in nature


Adapting Notes Each Rotation

Internal Medicine: The more information, the better. Anything at all relevant or not relevant can go into the History and Physical. You will likely be using EMR templates for your notes, but ALWAYS be sure you actually did everything noted, and actually asked everything noted. Your preceptors and attending physicians will want to see typical medical student H&Ps which are long, drawn-out, and include a lot of information that might never be asked by a physician again. You may need at least an hour to get that amount of information, especially at first. On the other hand, you may be with an intern who needs to get the information within 15 min-utes in the ER so he/she can write orders and admit the patient. A good suggestion is to ask your team to send you down first to interview the patient, and then text them when you are ready (this may not work for them so just go with the flow).

Surgery: A challenging H&P to write because you are expected to only write the relevant information, but it can be difficult to know what is relevant to the surgeon. In general, worry less about the social history/sexual history/family history unless it is very pertinent to the disease process that you are being asked to treat. Get a good prior surgical history on your patient including which side the operation was on and how long ago, as well as any complications.

Ob/Gyn: These are somewhere between a medicine and surgery H&P. It is impor-tant to include the Ob and Gyn histories, as well as the pelvic exam. Always start the HPI with the gravidity and parity of the patient. A sample of a good Ob/Gyn history for a patient would be: • OB: Patient is G2P1001. She delivered a VMI (viable male infant) via SVD (spontaneous vagin*l delivery) in 2000 with a complication of pre-gestational HTN. The HTN has since resolved with no further treatment. • GYN: 12/28-30/5 (This means the patient began menarche at age 12, has regular cycles every 28-30 days, and bleeds for 5 days typically). She denies menorrhagia (heavy bleeding during the period), metrorrhagia (bleeding in between periods), and dysmenorrhea. She has never had an abnormal pap smear.She is currently on valacyclovir for herpes genitalis suppression. No other STD history. The patient was on OCP for 6 years prior to becoming preg- nant, and stopped 6 months prior to becoming pregnant.Psychiatry: While a long H&P on psychiatry is not unusual, be careful about ram-bling. You want to capture a “snapshot” of the patient, not record a 6-hour video documentary. Psychiatric patients are difficult because they usually talk too much or too little. You will need to get only the relevant information and record that in the HPI. Don’t forget things like trauma history, how far the patient went in school, past psychiatric history, and substance use. Often you will need to collect “col-lateral” information from family members or those that know the patient best. You will be expected to make phone calls if necessary. Suicidal and homicidal ideation


is also important to assess. The physical exam includes the Mental Status Exam as well as usually a section for heart, lungs, and abdomen. The plan typically includes medications and some kind of monitoring.

Pediatrics: The H&P is essentially the same as for Internal Medicine. Make sure you include whether the child is urinating, defecating, feeding, sleeping, or irritable in the HPI. Also, you will want to include a birth history (i.e. any complications or prematurity) and developmental history in the social section. Example: The patient was born at 7lbs 6oz via SVD (spontaneous vagin*l delivery) with no complica-tions during pregnancy or delivery. He has reached all current developmental milestones.

Family Medicine: You will probably never write an H&P for family medicine. If so, just follow the Internal Medicine sample.


Abbreviations Used in this GuideAAOx3 Awake, alert and oriented x 3 (person, place and time) BM Bowel movementBMP Basic metabolic panel+BS Positive bowel soundsØ c/c/e No clubbing, cyanosis, nor edemaC/D/I Clean, dry, intact c/f Concerning forc/o Complained ofCBC Complete blood countCP Chest painCTAB Clear to auscultation bilaterallyD/C Discharge or discontinue (depending on context) D/W Discuss withEBL Estimated blood lossF/C Fevers/ chillsHD Hospital dayI&Os Ins and Outs (should specify time period) JP Jackson-Pratt drainm/r/g Murmurs, rubs, gallopsN/V Nausea/vomitingNAD No acute distressNKDA No known drug allergiesNPO Nothing by mouthNT/ND Non-tender, non-distendedPCA Patient controlled analgesia pumpPCB/SCD Pneumatic compression boots, sequential compression devicesPMH Past Medical HistoryPO Oral intake POD Post-op day RA Room airRR Respiratory rateRRR Regular rate and rhythm s/p Status post+S1,+S2 Audible first and second heart soundSOB Shortness of breathSpO2 Oxygen saturation SSI Sliding Scale Insulin t/c To considerTc Current temperatureTmax Max temp in past 24 hoursTTP Tender to palpationUA Urinalysis UO Urine output VS Vital signsw/r/r/c Wheeze, rales, rhonchi, cracklesWNL Within normal limits

The AOA Guide - · Inpatient Progress Note (use the Internal Medicine SOAP)..... 18 History and Physical ... - [PDF Document] (2024)
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