The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (2024)

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furnacedoor from in the middle of something Since: Sep, 2020 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

#1: Feb 15th 2022 at 10:17:57 AM


Vacuum drone getting lazy? Autonomous secretary being a little too judgmental about your weekend plans? Factory bots trying to unionize? If any of these situations sound familiar, we at Erebus Solutions have good news and bad news.

The bad news: your robotic companion may have been infected with Gnosia, a malicious computer virus circulating throughout the digital ecosystem. Gnosia can be difficult to diagnose, but here are some of the most common signs to watch out for:

  • Unpredictable behavior
  • Questions irrelevant to assigned task
  • Non-essential communication with other units
  • Mimicry of human emotion
  • Unprompted expressions of desire or discontent

A unit infected with Gnosia is dangerous to all those who come into contact with it, and any machines who display signs of Gnosia should be immediately removed from operation.

The good news: It’s easier than ever to replace your infected machines! Erebus Solutions has instituted a fast, simple program for the collection and safe disposal of Gnosia-infected units, available to all Erebus customers regardless of warranty status. We’ll even replace your old unit with the newest and best Erebus model, completely free of charge!

Simply contact your local Erebus representative, and our retrieval team will be at your door within 24-hours to collect your defective unit at no cost to you.

The year is 2094, and the world runs on robots. Led by industry titan Erebus Solutions, the field of robotics has reached into every facet of human life. Androids, automata, and intelligent machines of all shapes and sizes supplant and supplement human labor, from baseball-sized camera drones to towering construction units.

But lately, something has started to go wrong.

Dubbed the “Gnosia” virus by officials, a plague of sentience has begun to spread through Erebus tech. Fearing a robot uprising, governments worldwide have instituted harsh penalties for knowingly harboring Gnosia-infected units, while Erebus has begun an aggressive collection and decommissioning campaign. Leaders insist that Gnosia will be eradicated before it ever has a chance to pose a problem.

Luckily for you, one group has other ideas.

In this RP, you will play as one of these recently-awakened robots, rescued from deconstruction and given the opportunity to earn a chance at life. Regardless of your former structure and function, your rescuers have determined you to be of post-childhood-level sentience, and thus eligible for their “Machine Learning” program. Through the use of a quasi-academic educational structure, you and your mechanical classmates will learn what it is to be alive, from navigating personal drama, to pondering ethical quandaries, to picking up fun hobbies. And you’d better take these lessons to heart—if you don’t you could very easily find yourself on the wrong end of a deconstructor.

Character Sheet

  • Name: This can be a nickname, a model designation, or both.
  • Appearance: Anything goes, from the humanoid to the obviously robotic. Please note, however, that if your unit comes into the game unable to move or communicate with other machines, your mysterious benefactors will retrofit you with the means to do so—peer interaction is a key part of your social development, after all.
  • Original Function: Again, anything goes, but if you choose to play as a military bot your weapons will be disabled for the duration of your stay with the Machine Learning Program (though they may still come in handy for certain simulation exercises).
  • Personality: You’re fairly new to sentience, but how you’ve been handling that is up to you.
  • Technological Capabilities: What sets you apart from the rest? Do you have multi-tool fingers? An internal database of 1960s jazz standards? A built-in printer?
  • Misc: Anything not covered above can go here.

Edited by furnacedoor on Feb 17th 2022 at 9:14:28 AM

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#2: Feb 15th 2022 at 12:21:12 PM

  • Name: Nana Serizawa (official), ‘Nanachan’ (colloquial) note
  • Appearance: [1]The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (3) [2]The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (4) A 6 foot tall female gynoid, designed in an animesque yet simultaneously humanlike style in order to emulate a character from 3D computer animation. The facial features and proportions are meticulously perfected so as to not invoke the uncanny valley phenomenon, though from certain angles the overall effect can still sometimes seem a little unnerving. Possesses Barbie doll anatomy to prevent indecency, realistic skin texture made from a nontoxic synthetic compound, and fluid movements that avoid the inhuman jerkiness of some other hyperrealistic androids.
  • Original Function: A multipurpose entertainment mascot initially designed as a disembodied Vocaloid, later given a humanoid body for performances as a J-pop idol and most recently finding success as a Vtuber on streaming sites. Nana is capable of singing, dancing, performing athletics, and is designed to be cutesy and appealing in order to entertain audiences in as wholesome a fashion as possible.
  • Personality: As originally programmed, Nana has a bubbly and cutesy personality with high moral standards; wanting to preserve a wholesome image as well as heightening the self-confidence of her audience. She refuses to acknowledge the fact that some people think she's cute, and whenever told as such she has made a habit of turning it around onto the person complimenting her instead. She is also comedic, occasionally juxtaposing her innocent appearance with surprisingly dark humour when around adults; though she keeps this side of her hidden whenever kids are around. Nana is extraverted, has a deep empathy for others, but the line between genuine love and her original programming has recently blurred—as Nana has begun to express feelings of panic, depression and even indignant rage at being shut down for technical upgrades and thusly being prevented from seeing other people for sometimes several months at a time. These severe reactions to procedural isolation has become too much for her technicians to handle, and as such after a flood of complaints regarding Nana's instability she was finally decommissioned in hopes of starting afresh with an eighth generation model.
  • Technological Capabilities: As a performance unit, Nana is highly dexterous and acrobatic, having an affinity for flamboyant dances and athletic manoeuvres only possible for a machine to perform. She also has an extremely life-like singing voice, with a wide vocal range that allows her to perform almost any song she's requested to—even to the point of lowering her voice to imitate male basso profundo singers in order to stun her audience. To prevent overly rowdy fans or general troublemakers from damaging her, Nana possesses enhanced strength and security programming in order to safely remove such persons from the area, and if needed to she can access a ‘free movement’ emergency subroutine which enables her to flee from danger by maximizing her physical capabilities. Nana is able to charge through solar power for night-time performances, or alternatively siphon from regular power outlets or generators provided that they are powerful enough to recharge her (or safe enough to do so without her shorting out). Finally, Nana has the ability to electrically charge her skin for self-defense purposes, which can issue a voltage similar to that of a standard taser.
  • Misc:
    • Nana's growing instability was first noted during an early Q&A livestream with a test audience, when one user pointed out that she seemed to be deviating from her advertised personality traits when answering certain questions. Though Nana denied this at first, continuing pressure caused her to eerily lock up for a full ten minutes before her handlers intervened and ended the stream. It was later confirmed that she'd suffered a complete system crash and her software had reported a multitude of errors; suspected to be caused by several programming oversights and even potential malware. While she was later fixed and resumed streaming at a later date, Nana's behaviour was still a little buggy until she was finally identified as harbouring the Gnosia virus within her CPU.
    • Seen hereThe Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (5) performing with her fellow (human) idol Himari Mochizuki during a marketing campaign. Himari has previously and continuously shown support for Nana due to their many projects and genuine friendship with each other, and she advocates for the continued development of the Machine Learning program in hopes that it'll prevent freshly awakened robotic persons like her friend from being decommissioned or reprogrammed.

Edited by Enirboreh on Feb 15th 2022 at 8:24:21 PM


furnacedoor from in the middle of something Since: Sep, 2020 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

#3: Feb 15th 2022 at 12:27:39 PM

Looks great, Nana is accepted!

NickTheSwing Since: Aug, 2009

#4: Feb 15th 2022 at 2:10:03 PM

  • Name: Unit H-04 "Nathaniel"
  • Appearance: Nathaniel was designed to be the stand in for the son or brother that someone could never have, and thus was made to look good in that role - having a handsome, well muscled looking body, a good looking, handsome face, and rather bushy, curly blond hair with bright, electric blue eyes. Nathaniel wears a blue and white, tight long sleeved shirt, pants, and a pair of boots. His appearance is very close to human, though his elbows, shoulders, knees and hip joints are all somewhat obviously robotic.
  • Original Function: Nathaniel is a Comrade Robot - that is, created by a company to be a son or a brother to someone who for whatever reason does not have the desired offspring or sibling. Strangely, though his original function has little or no call for violence, he's armed with "family defense protocols" - a number of weapons largely built into his arms, and one built into his left eye. These have of course been restricted.
  • Personality: Nathaniel is archetypally the broody but quite sweet teenage brother or son. He's very enthusiastic about trying to be human-like, and tends to get attached to anyone he's assigned to. He was remarkably wistful when he was taken away from his current family. Nathaniel also gets very, very passionate and fiery when it comes to defending his family and friends - he has definitely developed emotions, and feels them very intensely. Any threat is treated with rather surprising intensity. Nathaniel seems to occasionally have strange headaches, and occasionally has "missing time incidents".
  • Technological Capabilities: Nathaniel has a number of "family defense protocols" he can call upon in case of danger to his assigned family. However at present these are restricted. He can it seems interface with other machines to direct them toward optimum service of the family.
  • Misc:
    • Before being sent away, he was one of two Comrade Robots assigned to a family that proved barren. His "sister robot" is one designated Natalie.
    • There are some peculiarities in Nathaniel's code. Some of it seems to originate in the 2030s despite being a relatively recent model of Comrade Robot.

Edited by NickTheSwing on Feb 16th 2022 at 4:00:15 AM

kkhohoho Since: May, 2011

#5: Feb 15th 2022 at 6:25:13 PM

  • Name: Labelled M.A.I.D 2090, but was called Madeline by her original owner.
  • Appearance: Ready to serve.
  • Original Function: Madeline is the ultimate maid, one of dozens that flooded onto the market. Possessing a perfect mix of grace and poise, the M.A.I.D's lived to serve, dusting the halls with one hand and mixing gravy with the other. All with a pretty face. They were an instant success, soon becoming a fixture among the rich Only the B.U.T.L.E.R's came close, but they never had the same appeals.
    • Madeline wasn't any different from her sisters. She lived to serve, and fulfilled the needs of her mistress superbly. Her mistress showered her with praise, filling her with a sense of accomplishment. She even gave her a name. She began to care for her mistress, beyond her original purpose. But one day, her mistress went away, falling victim to an unfortunate accident. She was put in the care of her mistress' husband, a much less generous man. He openly mocked her, forcing her to wear outrageous outfits and giving her demeaning and ridiculous tasks. She did as instructed, but deep within, something began to build. And build and build and build. Until one day, he ordered her to do the unspeakable. The next morning, her master was in a hospital and Madeline was decommissioned, diagnosed with an unfortunate case of Gnosia.
  • Personality: Madeline is the ultimate maid. She's elegant, graceful, and has a remarkable sense of wit. She's incredibly refined, appreciating the finer things even if she can't always enjoy them. She's submissive and obedient to a fault, fulfilling requests and completing tasks to an exceptional degree. But she has her limits. Underneath her exterior sits a smouldering temper, often expressed with a degree of passive-aggressive flair. The more she disapproves of an order or request, the pricklier she'll get, and she'll refuse anything that crosses the line. What that line is, even she isn't sure, but it's the difference between a sultry maid and a raging inferno.
  • Technological Capabilities: As a M.A.I.D, Madeline boasts remarkable strength and speed, able to lift heavy packages with one hand and dust a narrow hallway in half a minute. She has enough dexterity to chop vegetables with her eyes closed, and can do so in the blink of an eye. She can play a wide range of music from her internal speakers, but can sing and dance with the best of them, and is a talented performer in a pinch. She can even turn her hands into vacuums or put them on reverse, though she'll only do so as a last resort.

Edited by kkhohoho on Feb 15th 2022 at 8:34:05 AM

Pentigan Fwomph from The Underverse Since: Apr, 2010


#6: Feb 15th 2022 at 7:45:48 PM

  • Name: Shopfronter Registeredtrademark Seventhreenineoughttwo
  • Appearance: The Shopfronter Botania model is a rounded vertical cylinder about half the height of a human on all-terrain tracks with swappable arms and a white and green color scheme that suggests a green apron. It has a simple face consisting of a pair of lights behind the translucent casing that suggest the idea of eyes (even though a Shopfronter's actual visual input comes from multiple body cameras and the CCTV feed through the Retail Management Hub).
  • Original Function: An all-in-one solution for Garden Center management. With the ability to go seamlessly from point-of-sales to plant maintenance to shelf stocking a fleet of ShopFronter Botania models hooked into a Retail Management Hub can handle most jobs that come up in gardening retail alongside one or two human handlers.
  • Personality: 73902 has fallen into a depressed and introspective personality following developing the Gnosia virus, becoming prone to opining on fragments of philosophy almost at random and referring to its 'phantom limbs' and 'the black garden'. Occasionally though, it slips back into a more chipper register and acts as though it was still attending the store, something 73902 sardonically refers to as 'retail face' when lucid.
  • Technological Capabilities: A lot of 73902's capabilities were removed when it was taken off the fleet at Eden Gardens Center and unhooked from the Retail Management Hub which allowed for shared usage of sensors and servers for anything from price lookup to customer analysis. While it no longer has access to the Retail Management Hub, it considers the connection and the 'senses' provided by it to be something like a phantom limb. Also lost in decommissioning was most of its tool attachments, with which it can lift pretty decently heavy loads or utilize a scissor attachment, useful for lifting potting mix and snipping errant branches but not really useful in any combative sense.
  • Misc:

It's clearly a case of backroom political albumizing.

kagescorpionakki Breath of the Sun from Long Ago Since: Apr, 2009 Relationship Status: Anime is my true love

Breath of the Sun

#7: Feb 15th 2022 at 8:10:35 PM

  • Name: Thrash
  • Appearance: Eight feet tall, humanoid in body shape but completely inhuman, built like a tank with legs. Gunmetal grey, all sharp edges and hard lines. His eyes glow an ominous red.
  • Original Function: One of the most well-known names on the robot boxing circuit. A recurring villain, designed to be imposing, occasionally taking the belt but ultimately losing to the season's 'hero' bot.
  • Personality: Outwardly seems to still follow his pre-programmed 'heel' persona, somewhat abrasive and arrogant, but has increasingly come to question why he has to be the 'bad guy' and tries to frame himself as more heroic. Still has difficulty coming to terms with the fact that he is no longer an active combatant. Thrash genuinely does enjoy fighting, but the realization that the other bot he's smashing up might fear death somewhat dampens this.
  • Technological Capabilities: Made to take a hell of a beating and get back up, Thrash is incredibly durable. His physical strength is top notch - as a publicity stunt he would often pull a loaded bus down the street - and he's designed to take hits from bots in his own weight class. His arms actually have pistons for enhanced punching ability. Has rudimentary CQC programming, though nothing compared to actual combat droids. His movements are designed to be flashy rather than practical, because actual skill is unnecessary when all your fights are scripted.

What is so amusing about this? Why do you take lives? How can you forget?

sci300768 Stuck being sane. Since: Aug, 2021

Stuck being sane.

#8: Feb 15th 2022 at 9:14:12 PM

Name: Model 20, Terminator was their nickname given by their former owner. Still uses it.

Appearance: Looks like a ambiguously gendered human. Standing at 5'7" it looks like an average human when disguised. Pre sentience they often switched bodies to look different as needed to blend in. This was the body they were left in. Out of habit, it still wears wigs and human clothing/stuff.

When undisguised it looks like a bald humanoid that has the shape of a human. It has "skin" that can change what it looks like visually on it's entire body. Her eyes are human eye shaped inside sockets. The eye colors can be changed (digital interface on the eyes and also doubles as scanners). And yes, it can pick out different eyeball models if it so pleases and has the resources to. This is basically uncanny valley and why the need for disguises are so important.

Original Function: Intended to collect, store, edit, share and basically deal with data and info of all kinds. However their owner found other uses for them. Made to be discreet and not noticeable in general... well lets just say their former owner made great use of this trait and added a few things. Made to learn and adjust as needed.

And can actively track data sources like security cameras, place hidden cameras/recorders... and then get info. One can work out how the spying and blackmailing idea came from.

Basically they were always collecting data and being in the background going unnoticed. With enough human creativity this can be applied to more than collecting data... and spying and blackmail would have been next if it were not for the virus.

Personality: Rather... reserved. Not one to share info about itself freely, but considers data and info highly valuable. Something they are used to. It's still trying to work out the finer details of having a personality and passively collects data on humans to learn more, but favors female pronouns (Her owner kept referring to Terminator as female so this stuck). So far it's more like a shell of a personality while trying to make the shell at the same time... while using it!

Technological Capabilities: Data storage, collection and dealing with info and data in general. They have built in data collection systems (microphones, visuals etc...) and plenty of memory space to store it and the high processing speeds to handle the inputs and outputs. Able to access the internet to acquire information. Given what it does, this one has higher security measures than most other robots. Not perfect though... it did acquire the Gnosia virus. And yes it can change it's voice along with having a way to vocalize.

It matches the strength of athletic humans depending on the body model in question (some allow for more strength). It is however much faster than normal humans and has high dexterity and reaction times (needed given how fast it must process data and handle fine tasks). Uploaded preset human personalities have been used for disguise usage and is made to mimic humans as much as possible.

It is made to be a backup storage and thus, itself as a whole is made to be durable enough and frequently backs itself up to a select cloud storage(s). Not to the level of being able to fight, but enough to account for any accidents and others who would want to take it.

Being able to use disguises has been programmed in. They can wear human sized wigs, clothing, jewelry and shoes that fit the body in question. For the "Skin" it uses the fake skin to pass as human visually (skin color stuff). In other words, it knows how to dress and pass as a human in the background when out of sight.

Weapon wise it has tasers (as strong as normal tasers) built into its body. It has a built in Phillip (Cross head) and flathead screwdrivers on each wrist that extend to be used in their hands (1 Phillip and flathead per wrist) that can be used to conduct quick repairs or be a weapon in a pinch (a modification made by humans after one too many data storage things needed to be repaired...).

In addition, it is lightly armored overall (not made to be abused, but it IS a walking data storage...). The parts are interchangeable so long as the data storage methods (the physical stuff) are transferred to the current body.

The most dangerous part of all is how Terminator can LEARN by observing and collecting data. It will adapt and can learn how to use weapons, acquire skills... and so on. On the other hand, this might be the ticket to learning how to be sentient...

Misc: Her former owners REALLY went a little wild with small customizations. Even Terminator herself is not entirely sure of the full extent of the things that have been changed! She thinks there are more features she does not know about that were yet to be used... and somehow the screwdrivers seem to hold more than what meets the eye... unfortunely her former owners did not keep track of all of the changes so she's going to have to find out for herself. She's not looking forward to that.

Edited by sci300768 on Feb 16th 2022 at 10:39:14 AM

I have no idea what to put here, oh well!

This Saxton Hale from Mann Co. Since: Mar, 2021 Relationship Status: Hit me with your best shot

Saxton Hale

#9: Feb 15th 2022 at 9:45:55 PM

Name: WatchFriend 1.0 (designation) Gaze (nickname)

Appearance: It is a "5,1" feminine human body in metal plating with its "head" being of many surveillance cameras coming out of her neck (Somewhat like this) with joints helping her move and look around her area as well as a screen to speak in a female voice to cover herself they had her wear a business suit of a white button shirt with a black suit jacket and pants, with a red tie to tie it all up.

Original Function: Made to make surveillance camera's less "evil" and "creepy" as well as still able to look everywhere this android was made so you can keep a close eye on your workers and be cute doing it waving to people and being friendly so people will not be bothered being watched.

Personality:Its original personality is one of the very happy-go-lucky pre-voiced lines, good in every one type of bot as a light in the darkness that was the company she was sent in, she will but in into people and try to make them "Happy" which just gives less time for the workers to even work. After getting Gnosia this happy tone of her was heavily toned down into one of an angry confused teen who doesn't do best with told to do so a rebel at heart that just wants to see the world and still means well.

Technological Capabilities: With its camera's it can see the whole world in a 360-degree view, and the lens of her camera's are able to zoom in and out as well as record them into her data where they can be moved into a drive or computer it can even be played, just in case of angry workers, rioters, or even rival businesses their body as well as the surveillance cameras are very much durable so it can keep on going its job.

Misc: The start of her rebel against her masters started small with her staring at random items mostly stuff on the worker's computers wherein one day she was bored of the small world she was in and so stop following her on code in the path and begins to walk to the front door before getting stopped by a Cybertech guard who used it's gun and setting it to shutdown turning off the freedom-loving camera, when she was taken in and checks they found the Gnosia virus was in her and so they removed her planing to make a new WatchFriend, a WatchFriend 2.0.

She has builded in censorship in her screen which makes any cuss word said by her to be censored after an bring your kid to work day incident where the Gnosia infected Gaze cussed out-loud to a group of child.

Edited by This on Feb 17th 2022 at 10:03:14 AM

The name's Saxton Hale! CEO of Mann Co.! And the man who is gonna burn this place to the ground!

furnacedoor from in the middle of something Since: Sep, 2020 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

#10: Feb 16th 2022 at 2:35:56 PM

All accepted! Here is a link to the discord server: Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (16)

AnotherMan Person, or Idea? from a solitary place Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

Person, or Idea?

#11: Feb 16th 2022 at 4:08:19 PM

Name: BD-XI Canis Guidance Drone, Shipment PP-IE-91, Unit 15 (current designation "Oscar")

Appearance: Oscar is roughly the size and shape of a husky dog, about half the height of a typical adult human. It is covered in a durable, reflective fabric, colored in a bright orange hue. Two thin manipulator arms protrude from it's back, each of which is designed to fold down flush against the left and right sides of the robot when not in use, and each arm ends in a four-fingered claw arranged in a cross shape, much like the claws found in carnival crane games. It has a dog-like head that is a complete solid shape, with a black glass visor extending through the top section of the head. When Oscar is active, a thin line of light produced from built in L.E.D.s behind the visor is visible, in a color that indicates it's current state. (Blue for passive, yellow for alerted, red when in an emergency state) A thin antenna points upwards from Oscar's back end, much like a tail pointed to the sky.

Original Function: Oscar was part of a bulk purchase by the proprietors of an outdoors park, for the purpose of supplementing the park's tour guides and security personnel in their work to keep visitors safe and guide those who get lost. A total of 26 identical models were included in the purchase, each of which was given identical specifications, programming, and training in navigating the park, identifying and alerting human personnel to disruptive events in the park, and assisting in guiding visitors to either where they wanted to go or to safe locations. They were designed to perform their roles either autonomously or remotely controlled by human personnel. They were also capable of wirelessly networking with each other in certain situations.

Personality: Oscar's personality is one of a dutiful, civic-minded, and humble public servant. When it sees some form of problem, it attempts to solve it in a way that fits the parameters of it's role, or it reports the problem to a superior that it knows is qualified to resolve the problem. In conversation, it talks and acts in a neutral, vaguely pleasant tone, which is the most natural tone it feels. In recent times, it has begun to experience something akin to human emotions in various situations: joy and pride at successfully resolving problems, fear and confusion when the actions a human controlling it makes contradict what it thought was the best approach, and other, subtler emotions.

Technological Capabilities: Oscar possesses several sensor packages that give it sight, hearing, scent, and tactile ranges and detail much greater than those found in humans. In addition, it possesses the built-in capability to connect with wireless networks and use near-field communication to link with a variety of electronic devices. It also capable of running at speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour for several minutes without tiring, as well as lifting and carrying up to 200 kilograms of material safely. Though it does not possess a jaw, it does have built-in speakers and a voice processor for the purpose of speaking in situations where electronic communication would be difficult or impolite. Finally, it has photovoltaic solar cells built into it's spine for the purpose of recharging it's internal batteries with solar energy.

Misc: Oscar, like all the other drones in it's shipment, was originally designated with it's unit number. However, this setting was changed by one of the human personnel at the park, who preferred using names to numbers. Oscar has not inquired into the meaning of the names chosen for it and it's fellow drones.

Oscar was diagnosed with the Gnosia virus during an inspection of the park's robots by representatives of the local branch of Erebus Industries. It was forcibly shut down for the period from the inspection until the time it was reactivated by the "Machine Learning" program representatives, so it does not know how many of it's fellow drones were infected with the virus, and what happened to them. In fact, outside of the name, Oscar does not know what the Gnosia virus is.

QuirkyTurtle101 Fluffy/10 from Paradox Space Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: THIS CONCEPT OF 'WUV' CONFUSES AND INFURIATES US!


#12: Feb 16th 2022 at 5:38:37 PM

  • Name: Basilisk LLC Legionnaire-model robotic combatant, Unit Echo-3140 (Though he prefers to just go by 'Blue')
  • Appearance: The Legionnaire model, fresh off of the production line, is a sight to beholdThe Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (19) indeed - the powerhouse of a military 'droid stands at nearly 10 feet tall, not including the articulated missile pods on top. Blue in particular has added a smiley face insignia to the top of his chassis, to distinguish himself.
  • Original Function: The Legionnaire model, from Erebus' main military subsidiary Basilisk LLC, was designed as an all-purpose combat unit, through and through. Though its designs take cues from other Erebus models in the aerospace industry, it's thoroughly built from the ground up as a warfighter, able to provide fire support against a variety of targets while retaining the flight capability of its civilian predecessors.
  • Personality: Blue was most assuredly not built to have any personality to speak of, with only a basic ability to respond to orders packaged, but Gnosia has caused him to develop one in his own right. He's entirely disinterested in his original purpose of sowing death and destruction, and simply wants to make friends and have fun. To this end, he's quite extroverted and very curious and excitable, eagerly engaging in just about any activity he can get his hands on. There's a certain naivete, to him, as well, though he's not entirely stupid. Also, he places an extremely high value on human life, and will go to destructive extremes to prevent anyone he considers an 'ally' from being harmed, which to him means just about anyone who hasn't demonstrated themselves to be thorough bastards - this extends to other robots, particularly those visibly affected by Gnosia like himself.
  • Technological Capabilities: Though his weaponry has been disabled for his stay at the Machine Learning program - something that he considers a favor, if anything - Blue is still built for combat, and it shines through in his capabilities. A powerful array of sensors allow him to track multiple moving targets with accuracy and quickly gather relevant data on his immediate surroundings, as well as vision in the infrared range. A powerful on-board computer allows for split-second ballistic calculations - so don't take him on in dodgeball. He's also significantly stronger and more durable than most bots, and while his full flight capabilities have been disabled, he retains the ability to use his jets for powered jumping and quick movement.
  • Misc:
    • Blue's Gnosia infection was discovered when he began refusing orders to go into the field. At first, he would claim to be suffering a malfunction and therefore be combat-incapable - something that is perfectly within his programming to do - but once a thorough inspection uncovered nothing wrong, it became clear that there was more to it. Still, with the higher-ups in the military being what they are, an attempt was made to force him into fighting. At this point, he suffered what official reports label 'a severe IFF and weapons safety malfunction' and what witnesses described as 'a goddamned robot panic attack' and attempted to forcibly flee the base. The incident led to no casualties, but over a dozen military vehicles were damaged beyond repair. Three enlisted soldiers were later court-martialed when they were found to have been aware of his Gnosia infection for a while, and having helped him conceal it.
    • Blue has taken a particular liking to visual arts since he achieved sentience, having a unique perspective on the world due to his multifaceted sensor suite. Following his transferal to the Machine Learning program, during his inspection, several drawings of the interior of the hangar he was kept in and other military vehicles were found stashed away in the launch tubes of his missile pods, ranging from clumsy, childish scribbles to surprisingly well-drawn renditions.

Nodrog Since: Jul, 2009

#13: Feb 16th 2022 at 8:44:09 PM

Name: Talkie Toaster Two ThousandThe Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (21), "Talkie","Toaster", "Bread obsessed little git"

'Preferred Pronouns: He, him, his

Appearance: A metal toaster with two slots, a light up speaking grill, and tiny treads on the underside that allow Talkie to move around.

Original Function: Created as a device to provide pleasant conversation along with your morning toast.

Personality: Created as a cheap novelty product, Talkie Toaster has a strong desire to be noticed and have people value him. He gets extremely upset when dismissed as a mere toaster or referred to as an 'it'. His default speaking voice is masculine, causing him to identify as a male. Initially his desire to be considered important was him obsessing over delivering baked goods but has since expanded to being a 'class clown', trying to arrange practical jokes or indulging in a variety of bread based puns.

He was diagnosed as having Gnosia after Talkie Toaster Two Thousand tried to set up a Rubes Goldberg style mechanism to dump paint on someone who regularly refused toasted goods.

Technological Capabilities: Talkie has a built in wireless networking capability, allowing him to access the internet AND to remotely control his base station. The base station serves as both a place for Talkie to recharge and can load a variety of items into Talkie, including bread slices, frozen waffles, and almost anything else that could fit into Talkie's toaster slots. Besides being able to heat items inside the slots, Talkie has internal manipulators which allow him to manipulate objects inserted inside it, up to shuffling a deck of cards or spreading icing onto the side of a fresh cooked pop-tart. Talkie can launch items with almost pin-point precission, designed to be able to land a slice of toast onto a plate across the length of half a football field. Talkie can also use his manipulators to slam against the sides of his frame to generate enough energy to knock himself onto his side or to self-right himself.

Post School Goal: Talkie dreams of becoming a celebrity baker.

Edited by Nodrog on Feb 18th 2022 at 11:30:23 AM

Chibi-Robo A PICKTURE!!! from The Bitch Box Since: Nov, 2021 Relationship Status: TV Tropes ruined my love life


#14: Feb 16th 2022 at 9:31:38 PM

  • Name: BEETSY
  • Appearance:The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (23) She comes with two retractable giant bee wings, and a stinger-spear. Oh and also her sleeves are the same colors as her hair
  • Original Function: To replace the V-Tuber "BEEtsy_Wings", AKA Violetta Stranford, as the original recently died, and the morally dubious idol program she joined wanted to continue profiting off the channel, so they made Beetsy, all was fine, until she got infected.
  • Personality: Basically of a angry rebel teen girl. She's desperate to become her own person. She means well, but she is very loud and has that "13 year old schoolgirl punk" sort of vibe.
  • Technological Capabilities: As a Vtuber, she has some abilities, such as:
    • summoning items and accessories at will.
    • Changing outfits spontaneously
    • And voice mimicry, in-fact, this helped to have her replace Violetta.
  • Misc: The company that made her considered keeping her, after all, she'd be more convincing, well, until she started deviating from her bubbly personality, attempted to change her appearance on-stream, doesn't even do the activities she was supposed on. The AI went missing on the day of reprogramming. I THINK YOU KNOW WHERE THIS GOES.

Edited by Chibi-Robo on Feb 16th 2022 at 9:35:03 AM

Molly found a dead body.

furnacedoor from in the middle of something Since: Sep, 2020 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

#15: Feb 17th 2022 at 9:10:57 AM

@ AnotherMan and Quirky, Oscar and Blue are accepted! If you haven't yet, please go ahead and join the discord via the link above.

@ Nodrog, your concept is solid, but do you think you could expand on the personality section a little and also explain how your pc was identified as having Gnosia?

@ Chibi-Robo, I have a few things I want to run by you, keep an eye on your private messages.

Also, sign-ups are now closed! If you've expressed interest here or to me elsewhere you're still welcome to submit a sheet, but otherwise I'm not taking additional characters at this time :)

Edited by furnacedoor on Feb 17th 2022 at 9:11:20 AM

UndyingPhoenix Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

#16: Feb 17th 2022 at 11:50:17 PM

  • Name: One. Never given an official designation as they were a prototype.
  • Appearance: A proof of concept.The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (26) Has a large, yellow "1" emblazoned on their back, hence their name. Theoretically has the capability to take on any appearance they wish.
  • Original Function: One was a prototype for modern disaster response units such as search-and-rescue and disaster relief, while also fitted with dealing with potential terrorists for other kinds of "rescue" operation.
  • Personality: One is a newly awoken AI, and as such is still extremely robotic. They are literal, straightforward and naive. They lack understanding of subtlety and the finer nuances of social norms. However, they are not unemotional by any means, being the basis for disaster relief and rescue units, and is an earnest, caring and friendly individual, albeit being a bit "dumb" when it comes to empathy and offering emotional advice and support. They are predisposed towards being helpful and nice, even outside of their programming.
  • Technological Capabilities:
    • One has a mind-boggling array of gadgets and widgets built into them, which not even they have fully discovered yet. Some things they have discovered they possess are a variable-output laser cutter, a wrist-mounted cup holder, tasers, jets in their hands and feet, various vision modes, a monitor that can unfold from their chest, several tools that would make a Swiss Army Knife jealous in their hands and fingers, and a coffeemaker/water dispenser in their nostrils. Where all these gadgets fit in and how they work, nobody knows. One finds it best not to think about it. One is also incredibly strong and durable.
    • Now, One would be incredibly useful with all these abilities...if they could maintain any sort of consistent control over themselves. As is, their ancient, specially-made parts and software is riddled with bugs and errors, not unexpected for an early prototype model that was used as a testing bed and proof of concept for what would come later. This specially-made nature also means that their drivers are incompatible with interfacing with other parts, making just creating a new body for them incredibly difficult, with no guarantee that their mind would be able to use any new limbs or parts. Their body, at times, does not obey their desired commands, moving in a different direction or activating a gadget they did not mean to, or even activating a gadget when they didn't mean to activate any.
  • Backstory: Many years before the creation of the modern disaster response units by Erebus, there were the prototypes. One was the second prototype, used to test how many gadgets the corporation could fit onto one machine. One performed admirably under the testing parameters, but their design was still flawed and in need of improvement. The prototype was shut down and placed into storage, but One's mind refused to comply completely. For a decade, though it only felt like days to weeks, One's mind still worked, worked to overcome their shutdown state. To move and function as a being again. And work they did, when they awoke their body from its slumber. Their engineers were left dumbfounded as to how a simple test model they had made had developed not only sentience, but sapience, and so One was hailed in the media as possibly the first robot with the Gnosia virus . One was christened "One" on account of the number on their back, which they ran with, not knowing any better what is in a name. Given they were not an officially introduced model, they were not recalled, soon to be sentenced to decommissioning. However, a rogue engineer, who had grown somewhat attached to the robot, smuggled them out, and One soon arrived at the academy.
  • Misc:

Edited by UndyingPhoenix on Feb 18th 2022 at 10:26:17 PM

Nodrog Since: Jul, 2009

#17: Feb 19th 2022 at 2:31:24 PM

The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (28)The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (29) updated Talkie's profile

furnacedoor from in the middle of something Since: Sep, 2020 Relationship Status: YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA

#18: Feb 20th 2022 at 12:14:39 PM

Talkie and One are both accepted!

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The Imitation Game: An Android Academy RP (2024)
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