Aijou/Koi - Chapter 8 - chengmeiauau (2024)

Chapter Text

— You know, it's not exactly easy not to demand explanations when you don't know what kind of person you're hanging out with, un. - Deidara raged, adjusting his cloak and trying to hide the little dent in its collar, since Thyra had grabbed the fabric without mercy with the only purpose of making him leave the place they were. The purple haired one rolled her eyes and continued to ignore everything the blond said. — By the way, what happened between the two of you? Was he your boyfriend? I saw the way you two were... - he fell silent when he felt Thyra's fist collide against his face hard enough to make him fall sitting on the floor.

— Senpai! - Tobi shouted, running to finally reach where his two partners were standing.— Are you okay? - the masked man's concern was explicit in his tone of voice and soon he knelt beside Deidara, wanting to help him in some way, but keeping his hands away from his body. — Thyra-sama... - the man uttered calmly, cautiously starting to look at the woman; who stared at the blond and had anger burning in her eyes.— Deidara-senpai can be a little annoying at times, but he just…

— Shut up! Un. - Deidara punched the orange mask, making Tobi fall backwards on the floor and start whimpering mumbles that not even he, who was next to the masked man, could understand.

— Why are you so rude to the boy? - Thyra asked indignantly, her gaze finally laid on Tobi; who remained lying on the floor, apparently paying attention to her and Deidara.

— The question is: why are you so rude to me? -the younger one asked, offended, seeing the kunoichi arch one of her eyebrows and stare at him in disbelief. Deidara had never seen Thyra so angry before.

Hiis gaze locked with hers under the sharp silence that came afterwards.

He didn't understand what that meant, it was like she was trying to say something. And it's not as if they had never understood each other just by looking at each other; that was, actually, something they had often done while working together, since, in certain moments of a battle, or while spying somewhere, confidentiality and being discreet was necessary. But this time it seemed to be something deeper, something much more important like an "I’ll attack first", or just to demonstrate that everything the person was telling them was an outright lie. It was as if that look was worth an entire conversation, of which Deidara couldn't understand a single word.

And Thyra barely had time to sigh in frustration before letting out a groan of pain and falling to her knees on the floor, instinctively bringing one of her hands to the back of her neck and feeling her fingers wet with blood. As soon as she looked at the floor, a piece of wood, which at one end had a thin tip - which hurt her neck and caused the bleeding injury - and a laugh could be heard.

Deidara didn't dare to think, he just jumped up and grabbed Thyra by the waist; as she had already gotten up and turned her back to him, ready to go after Hidan, who was standing in front of a tree a short distance away, not so far from them.

— And you still think I'm kidding when I say that one day I'll kill you, you bitch. - Hidan said amused, grinning as he saw Thyra struggling against Deidara's grip; who seemed to give everything he had just so she wouldn't be able to get rid of his arms and attack the gray haired man.— If you keep holding her like this, I can brand her blood into my...

— Hey, Hidan. I'm not doing this for you. I'll settle things with you myself when we get back to the hideout. Un. - Hidan made a disdainful face and Deidara felt Thyra stop trying to get out of his "embrace", just holding firmly in his arms. Then, Hidan widened his eyes in panic, paralyzing the next second.

— That asshole should have known better than to look an Uchiha in the eye. - Thyra growled low, turning her face to the side and staring at the blue irises from Deidara. She hoped he would understand that he should release her, but he didn't. So she squeezed her hands even tighter on the young man’s arms and forced him to release the grip he had on her, just so she could get away from him. — Tobi, I need you to take Hidan back to the hideout now, all right?

He nodded, finally getting up and, before heading towards the jashinist, he stopped between Thyra and Deidara; holding Thyra's hands in his and making her look at him.

— Senpai is annoying, I know. But that's because he cares about Thyra-sama, and it's not just Tobi who can see that. - the masked man said simply, finally pulling away and hugging Hidan's waist with just one arm; throwing it over one of his shoulders and starting to walk in the direction that would take him to the hiding place.

Deidara was static.

Firstly, Thyra was always distant and even rude, but with Tobi she seemed to be careful every time she opened her mouth, as if she was afraid of hurting the feelings of the boy who seemed like an annoying kid. Secondly, because he couldn't believe what Tobi had said. Not just because Tobi was always talking too much, it was unnecessary and irritated him; but because, well… Was he being that obvious about his feelings?

— If you keep staring at me like that, I'll rip your eyes out. - Thyra grumbled with her face closed, as if none of that had happened; just pressing the fingers of her left hand to the back of her own neck, as if that would stop the bleeding from the wound.

— What happened between the two of you? Why did you let your guard down when he...

A hard, loud slap.

Deidara's cheek burned, and everything he did was stare at Thyra's right hand, just the one she used to slap his face and, before that, to punch him.

And it's not like Deidara had never gotten slapped in the face, and it's not like that was insane to him. Deidara had gotten involved with a lot of people and been a huge son of a bitch to everyone, and that's why he ended up getting some (several) slaps in the face. Besides, he was a ninja, it wasn't a simple slap or a punch without real strength that would leave him shaken.

But it was Thyra.

Their eyes were glued on each other’s, and for the first time he saw a hint of desperation in her purple irises, and it seemed like she was looking for something in the blue of his eyes.

The blond didn't know when the approach had happened or who had broken the distance, but all he could feel, now that his eyes were closed, was their breathing mixing and their lips touching. Soon, they allowed themselves a proper kiss. The hands of the oldest one were clung to the collar of Deidara’s cloak; and he held her close by the waist, as if forcing her to keep their bodies glued together.

Deidara could taste fear and despair in the kiss they shared, and none of those feelings came from him. And perhaps that was why he grabbed the woman's cloak and pressed her body against his own.

The youngest one ended the kiss calmly, but without bothering to give a peck on her lips before opening his eyes and seeing her opening hers as well, which only conveyed confusion.

Thyra hastily closed her eyes, frowning her own forehead and biting her bottom lip hard before turning her face away from the blond's scrutinizing gaze; who moved one of his hands up her back until he gently touched the nape of her neck and made her hide her face in the crook of his neck.

Deidara sighed deeply, feeling the woman's arms circulating his waist and hugging him tightly; which made him pull her a little closer. He knew she would never stop being difficult to deal with, and that she would probably never accept someone meddling in her life, but he also knew that he and Itachi were the only ones who could make her show a little of what she was really feeling.

— "There is no place for feelings here". - Deidara spoke low, almost disdainfully, laughing nasally then and letting out a nasal "un". He felt her finally give herself into his embrace and really hold him, not just keep her arms around his body; now grasping the boy's black cloak with her fingers.

Deidara always knew that hadn’t been said simply because he had done some stupid things; he knew she was contradicting herself and that it wasn't just because of what they'd been through together. Suddenly, with that kiss, he finally understood that she was contradicting herself just in order to run away from her past; to get rid of the guilt of something she probably hadn't done.

— You should have put Hidan under a genjutsu a long time ago, un. - he murmured weakly, chuckling at the end and smiling when he heard and felt Thyra laughing nasally, finally getting rid of the youngest's contact and turning her back to him. She started to walk in a slightly different direction than Tobi had taken, but even so, the youngest one followed her without hesitation.

After walking for a while in complete silence, Deidara put an arm around Thyra's shoulders, making her roll her eyes as she got irritated with that kind of thing the blond always did, but still, as usual, he didn't break away from the contact.

— So that means you and that Kakashi guy…

— If you, once more, mention his name, or talk about anything directly related to him, I'll show you exactly what I made Hidan see. - the female voice came threatening to the point of making the shinobi break contact and move two meters away from her.

— I just thought we could talk a little bit about it. - Deidara tried to justify his words, his eyes never leaving the image of the woman that wouldn't get out of his mind at the moments when he should most not think about her.

— I don't importune you about your past, I never did it. So you have no reason to keep questioning me about mine. - the grave feminine voice sounded calm this time, and they both stopped walking. Thyra made a clone, which soon got rid of the black cloak and walked ahead; disappearing into the horizon afterwards.— There is a village a little further away. It’s not a bad idea to use a jutsu to get some free food, right?

She walked away and sat against a tree just as a few crows appeared. And Deidara found it agonizing that Itachi and Thyra weren't practically identical just physically, she had to be as cold as he was and, on top of that, summon crows. As much as at that moment she had not used the kuchiyose, he just found himself thinking at what moment he had betrayed himself to the point of falling in love with the woman who was, basically, the female version of Itachi - the man he longed to kill for having shown nothing but disinterest for his art.


Deidara had just defeated a shinobi from the Mist Village when Thyra caused a big explosion on the ground, getting rid of any trace of the battle between her companion and the other ninja.

— You didn't have to be so rough, you know? - the blond asked, amused, seeing the older one roll her eyes and turn her back to him, returning to the path they had taken before being interrupted; he did the same.

Deidara mentally forced himself to ignore the ravens that followed them, especially the ones that were considerably closer to them. He never understood why they showed up right after Thyra made some explosion, much less why they followed her around for a while. He knew that Thyra had made a blood pact to summon those damn birds, just like Itachi had, but she hadn't used the summoning jutsu for a while.

It took a while, but soon he found himself thanking the heavens for the feathered animals having disappeared, but he didn't have much time to breathe a sigh of relief, as he saw the woman simply lose her balance and fall to the ground like a fruit that falls from its tree when it is overly mature. His instinct was to run and pick her up, but after the times he tried to wake her up in the middle of the night and almost got a kunai in his blood flow before Thyra even woken up, and, mainly, the conversation he had with Itachi, he ended up stopping his actions midway, in astonishment.

He always knew there was something wrong, but he never really thought it would be a curse. Although he found it interesting how it was activated when Thyra slept and also at that moment when she had passed out.

A few minutes later, the purple haired one opened her eyes; it was enough for her to blink them a few times for them to return from black and yellow to her usual white and purple, and also her hair went back to its normal color.

She moaned softly, sitting up slowly and bringing a hand to her stomach, closing her eyes and grimacing a little.

The young man approached her calmly and helped her get back on her feet, deciding not to bring up the subject of how strange she had been since the Konoha shinobi had shown up. He assumed they had used some jutsu that reacted with the curse, because that was the only plausible possibility for how Thyra was acting and reacting.

Thyra let Deidara help her get up and walk to an area of the forest with fewer trees, where the grassy space was much larger between one tree and another. Then they both sat in a corner with plenty of shade, where the youngest leaned against one of the trees and the kunoichi allowed herself to lie against the side of the blonde's body, resting her head on his shoulder before falling into a deep sleep soon after.

Deidara chuckled nasally, allowing himself to calmly lean his own head over Thyra's, as she was already fully glued to him before the curse was activated. He was amused at how, sometimes, and only sometimes, she seemed helpless and dependent on his care, even though she was never either of these things, whether or not she had that curse. He found himself longing for a time when she seemed to blindly trust in him and made a point of always being by his side, although he knew it would never happen again.

Soon the Uchiha's body began to slip and the ninja who once was from Iwagakure, carefully, made her lie down on the grass with her head on his thighs, so that she wouldn't end up falling down later. He rested one arm on the side of the woman's waist, allowing himself a moment of nostalgia as he caressed the older woman's belly, his lips twitching into a tiny smile before he allowed himself to close his eyes and finally get some sleep.

Nearly an hour later, Thyra felt something cold on one of her hands and opened her eyes, blinking them repeatedly until her vision finally cleared and she could focus on the real world. She noticed that what had caused a cold sensation in her hand was a senbon, which was being firmly held by her own fingers. By impulse resulted of she being startled, she kind of jumped backwards, letting the object fall to the ground and then her back collided with the chest of the young man behind her; who woke up scared and automatically took his hands to the sides of her body to firmly hold the woman, even before he has his eyes open.

The blond took a few deep breaths as he tightened his fingers on the kunoichi's body, slowly loosening his grip and sighed afterwards.

— One of these days you’ll end up killing me… - he grumbled, taking a hand to his face and rubbing his eyes while sliding the other down to the side of the older woman's body, until he rested his hand on her hip.

— What the f*ck do you think you are doing with that hand of yours? - Thyra asked seriously when she finally noticed Deidara's hand gently holding her body. He laughed when his companion released the contact in a rude movement, then got up and picked up something from the floor.

— I’m gonna pretend not to have heard that, uh. - Deidara said, amused, calmly getting up from the ground. — Because my hands have already been everywhere... - Thyra practically flew at him, feeling disgusted by the words she knew would come next. She tried to cover the boy's mouth with her free hand and looked at him sternly. He laughed out loud after managing to get rid of the feminine hand on his lips. — You’ve been too stressed lately. - the younger one's voice sounded calm, but a small and amused smile reshaped his lips.

Thyra moved closer to her companion, while biting her own bottom lip hard enough to cut the skin and make it bleed; then she put her lips on top of Deidara’s, feeling the softness of his mouth, but that didn't stop her from biting the boy's lower lip as well. Deidara had already rested a hand on Thyra's hip again when he saw her approach. He knew what she was going to do and he didn't feel intimidated, even though he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of that little pain she caused him when she did that; but he couldn't deny himself that just the fact of feeling her lips brushing in his for mere seconds was enough to make him feel fuzzy. The youngest one groaned softly in pain from the bite he received, feeling the lips of th woman reshaping in an amused smile and he knew it was the because of the painful moan he always let out, but he kept his eyes closed and let himself be taken away with her with the jutsu - which he was more than used to seeing her use.

Aijou/Koi - Chapter 8 - chengmeiauau (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.