Harry Potter: MageX - Chapter 19 - Vikrant_Utekar - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

The Daily Prophet

Exclusive: The Mysterious Escape of Peter Pettigrew from Azkaban

By Rita Skeeter

Darlings, prepare yourselves for the juiciest gossip of the year! In an unbelievable twist, Peter Pettigrew, the infamous rat who betrayed the Potters, has managed to escape from Azkaban! Yes, that’s right – the very same Azkaban that supposedly nobody can break out of. And what’s even more shocking? This is the second escape in as many months! First Sirius Black, and now Pettigrew. Is Azkaban turning into a leaky cauldron?

Peter Pettigrew, recently captured during Sirius Black’s sensational trial that cleared Sirius’s name, has slipped through the fingers of our so-called "most secure" prison less than a month after being locked up. How does something like this happen? The wizarding world demands answers, and I, Rita Skeeter, am here to provide them.

Albus Dumbledore, the venerable Headmaster of Hogwarts, usually the epitome of calm, seemed rather ruffled for once. “This is a serious breach of security. Azkaban is meant to be impenetrable, especially under the watchful eyes of the Dementors. Peter Pettigrew's escape suggests that we must reevaluate our methods of containment and ensure that such a lapse does not occur again.”

Oh, Dumbledore, losing your cool? It’s about time! The world’s greatest wizard, finally admitting that things aren’t as under control as he’d like us to believe?

Cornelius Fudge, our beleaguered Minister for Magic, tried to downplay the disaster with his usual empty promises. “We are conducting a full investigation into how Pettigrew managed to flee. This incident is isolated, and we are taking all necessary measures to prevent any further breaches. The safety of our citizens is our utmost priority.”

Isolated incident, Fudge? First Sirius, now Pettigrew – two escapes in two months sounds more like a pattern of incompetence! Perhaps it’s time for the Minister to stop making excuses and start making real changes.

Amelia Bones, the ever-determined Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, provided a more realistic take. “The circ*mstances surrounding Pettigrew's escape are highly unusual. We are working tirelessly to uncover any external assistance he may have received. Rest assured, those responsible will be held accountable, and Pettigrew will be recaptured.”

Thank goodness for Madam Bones, who at least appears to be taking this seriously. But can even she restore the shattered confidence in our prison system?

Theories are flying faster than a Firebolt. Some say Pettigrew, with his Animagus rat form, simply slipped through the bars. If true, Azkaban’s security is even more of a joke than we thought! Others whisper about dark forces at work, maybe old allies of You-Know-Who aiding their treacherous comrade from the shadows.

And let’s not forget Sirius Black, freshly exonerated and undoubtedly furious. “It's infuriating to think that after all we've been through, he could slip away so easily. The Ministry needs to take a hard look at how they handle such dangerous prisoners.”

Indeed, Sirius, we couldn’t agree more. The Ministry must address these glaring flaws before another catastrophe unfolds.

In a desperate attempt to save face, the Ministry of Magic has announced heightened security measures at Azkaban and throughout the wizarding world. Aurors have been dispatched to hunt for Pettigrew, and the public is urged to remain vigilant.

This latest fiasco is not just a stain on Azkaban’s reputation but a glaring indictment of our Ministry’s ability to protect us. As the wizarding world gasps in collective shock and horror, the hunt for Pettigrew is on. Will justice be served, or will this slippery rat evade capture once again?

Stay tuned to The Daily Prophet, dear readers, as I, Rita Skeeter, will bring you every tantalizing detail and scandalous revelation as this story unfolds. You won’t want to miss a single juicy moment!

As Harry, Sirius, and their eclectic group made their way from the Leaky Cauldron to King’s Cross Station, the streets of London bustled with activity. The group included the ever-lively Weasleys, Hermione, Remus Lupin, the bright-haired Tonks, and the formidable trio of Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey, and Susan Bones.

Harry, walking alongside Sirius, couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. He turned to his godfather, a hint of a grin on his face. “Sirius, when did you find the time to give an interview to Rita Skeeter?”

Sirius chuckled, shaking his head. “Believe me, Harry, I didn’t sit down with that vulture. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.”

Ron, overhearing the conversation, chimed in. “But she quoted you in her article about Pettigrew’s escape. Made it sound like you were practically shouting from the rooftops!”

Sirius rolled his eyes. “She probably made it up. Rita Skeeter isn't in the habit of letting something as simple as the truth get in the way of a sensational story.”

Hermione nodded in agreement. “Typical Skeeter. She probably twisted Sirius’ words from a statement he made ages ago.”

Remus added thoughtfully, “Rita Skeeter has a knack for being wherever she’s not wanted. Sirius, you’ve been pretty vocal about Pettigrew’s escape at the Ministry meetings. She could’ve easily overheard something.”

Sirius sighed. “True enough. I’ve been a bit… loud about my feelings regarding the Ministry’s handling of Azkaban. She must have pieced together my sentiments from various rants.”

Tonks laughed, her hair turning a vivid shade of pink. “You do have a habit of being rather vocal, Sirius.”

Ororo, always composed, added, “Regardless, it's important to stay vigilant. Pettigrew’s escape is a serious matter, and the last thing we need is misinformation causing panic.”

Jean nodded in agreement. “And we need to be cautious about what we say and where we say it. Skeeter has a way of making even the smallest comment sound like a full-blown interview.”

Fred and George, who were walking just ahead, turned back with identical mischievous grins. “We could always give Skeeter something to really write about,” Fred suggested.

“Like a wild story about Pettigrew hiding out in Knockturn Alley,” George added with a wink.

Mrs. Weasley shot them a warning look. “Enough of that, you two. This is serious business.”

Susan, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up. “The best thing we can do is stay focused on getting to King’s Cross and ensuring we get to Hogwarts safely. We can deal with Skeeter and her stories later.”

Harry appreciated the way everyone was rallying around him, even if the mention of Rita Skeeter had brought a bit of levity to their journey. As they continued their walk, the conversation shifted to more mundane topics, though the undercurrent of concern for Pettigrew’s escape remained.

As the group made their way through the bustling streets of London, the anticipation for the journey ahead filled the air. The Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Ororo, Jean, and Susan moved as a single unit, their camaraderie unbreakable.

Excited chatter and laughter echoed through the air as they approached the station. The distinct red bricks of Platform 9¾ loomed ahead, the gateway to a world of magic and adventure. The sunlight danced on the polished surface of the station, casting a golden hue over the bustling crowd.

Sirius, leading the way with a confident stride, turned back with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Alright, everyone, let's show these Muggles how it's done. Follow me!”

With a wink, he led the group straight toward the solid barrier between platforms 9 and 10. As they reached the barrier, one by one, they disappeared into thin air, passing through the magical portal with ease.

Harry, feeling the rush of magic surround him, stepped confidently forward. He could feel the familiar tingle in the air as he approached the barrier. With a whoosh, he was through the barrier and onto Platform 9¾, the sights and sounds of the wizarding world engulfing him.

Behind him, the rest of the group emerged, each wearing a triumphant smile.

As they stepped onto the platform, the iconic scarlet Hogwarts Express loomed before them, billowing steam into the air. Students, parents, and magical creatures bustled around, the platform alive with the excitement of another school year beginning.

As the group approached Platform 9¾, Jean's eyes widened with wonder at the sight of the majestic scarlet Hogwarts Express. Standing at the entrance to the platform, she caught her first glimpse of the iconic train, its polished exterior gleaming in the sunlight.

The Hogwarts Express was a sight to behold, its scarlet paint adorned with gold detailing that sparkled in the morning light. Steam billowed from the engine, adding to the sense of magic and anticipation that filled the air.

Jean felt a thrill of excitement course through her as she took in the bustling scene around her. The platform was alive with activity, students and families milling about, luggage floating magically behind them as they made their way toward the train.

As they made their way onto the Hogwarts Express, Sirius caught Harry's eye and motioned for him to join him near the entrance of the train. Harry, curious, made his way over to his godfather.

"Harry, I wanted to talk to you leave," Sirius began, his tone serious yet warm.

Harry nodded, giving Sirius his full attention. "What's on your mind, Sirius?"

Sirius glanced around to ensure they had some privacy before continuing. "I know we've had a lot going on lately, what with Pettigrew's escape and everything else. But I want you to remember something important as you start this new school year."

Harry listened intently, knowing that Sirius always had valuable advice to offer. "What is it?"

"I want you to remember that you're not alone, Harry," Sirius said, his gaze intense. "You have friends who care about you deeply, and you can always count on them for support. Whether it's navigating your classes, dealing with any trouble that comes your way, or just needing someone to talk to, they're there for you."

Harry felt a rush of gratitude for his godfather's words. "Thanks, Sirius. I appreciate it. And you're right, I do have amazing friends."

Sirius clapped Harry on the shoulder, a proud smile on his face. "That's my boy. Now, go enjoy the journey, Harry. This year is going to be full of surprises, but I have a feeling you're going to handle them like a true Gryffindor."

With a nod, Harry returned the smile. "Thanks, Sirius. I'll keep that in mind."

Just as Harry turned to rejoin the others, Sirius leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, and one more thing, Marauder. I think it's time we brought a little mischief back to Hogwarts. You know, it's your responsibility now."

Harry grinned, recognizing the playful glint in Sirius's eye. "You mean pull a prank?"

Sirius chuckled. "Exactly. I have a couple of ideas in mind, but I could use your expertise. Think you're up for it?"

Harry's grin widened. "Absolutely, Sirius. Count me in."

With a shared laugh and a renewed sense of mischief, Harry rejoined the others on the train, ready to kick off the new school year with a bit of Marauder-style fun.

As the train rumbled forward, Hermione, Jean, Susan, Ron, and Harry found an empty compartment and settled in for the journey to Hogwarts. They chatted excitedly, discussing their summer adventures and eagerly anticipating the new school year.

As they conversed, Susan suddenly remembered something. "I completely forgot, Hannah's on the train too!" she exclaimed. "I'll go find her and bring her here. She'll love to join us."

With a determined look, Susan stood up and made her way down the narrow corridor of the train, her fellow Gryffindors watching her go with smiles on their faces.

A few minutes later, Susan returned, a bright smile on her face and another girl in tow. "Hey, everyone, I found Hannah! She's going to join us in the compartment," Susan announced, stepping aside to let her friend in.

Hannah, a friendly and kind-hearted Hufflepuff, entered the compartment with a warm smile. "Hi, everyone! Thanks for inviting me, Susan."

"Of course, Hannah, we're happy to have you here," Hermione said, gesturing for her to take a seat.

With Hannah now part of their group, the conversation flowed even more freely, filled with laughter and excitement for the adventures that lay ahead at Hogwarts. As the train sped on, the friends settled in, eagerly anticipating the start of another magical school year.

As the train rattled along its tracks, Harry, with a faux serious expression, stood up in the compartment and cleared his throat. "Attention, everyone," he began, his tone deliberately solemn. "I hereby call to order the first official meeting of MageX."

Hermione stifled a giggle, while Ron and Jean exchanged amused glances.

Hannah, who had just joined the group, looked around, puzzled. "MageX? What's that?"

Harry turned to Hannah, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Ah, Hannah, you've stumbled upon the clandestine society of the most elite magical minds at Hogwarts."

Before Harry could continue, Susan, recalling the conversation she had with Hannah about Magical Mutants, leaned in and whispered to her friend. "Remember when we talked about being Magical Mutants?”

Hannah nodded, and Susan continued in a hushed tone. "Actually, Jean is a magical mutant as well. During our stay at Xavier's Institute, the X-Men, a team of mutant superheroes, named us MageX, as we are their Magical Mutant counterparts."

Hannah's eyes widened in understanding as she connected the dots. She glanced at Jean with newfound appreciation, understanding the significance of the name.

Harry's faux serious expression dissolved into a grin as he noticed Hannah's newfound understanding. "Since you all now know about Magical Mutants and are good friends with the core members of MageX, I think it's only fair to make you all honorary members."

Hermione's eyes lit up with excitement, while Ron's grin widened. Jean and Susan exchanged knowing glances, and Hannah's face broke into a delighted smile.

"Really?" Hannah asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

Harry nodded, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "Absolutely. MageX is all about friendship, unity, and using our unique abilities to make a difference. And I can't think of a better group of friends to share that with than all of you."

With a round of cheers and laughter, the group embraced the idea of being honorary members of MageX, feeling the bond between them grow even stronger.

Back in faux serious mode, Harry raised his hand to silence the laughter and called for attention. "Now that you're honorary members, it's time to select codenames for each of you," he declared, his tone playfully serious.

Hermione's eyes widened with excitement, while Ron leaned forward eagerly. Hannah, although still a bit puzzled, leaned in with curiosity.

Susan, sensing Hannah's confusion, leaned in and whispered, "Harry, Jean, and I already have codenames. Mine is Veritas, Jean's is Phoenix, and Harry's is Marauder."

Hannah nodded in understanding, her curiosity piqued.

"Alright," Harry continued, "let's start with you, Ron. Any ideas for your codename?"

Ron scratched his head thoughtfully. "How about... Redbolt?"

Hermione smiled. "That's quite fitting for you, Ron."

Ron grinned at the approval. "Redbolt it is, then."

"Okay, Hermione, your turn," Harry said, turning to her.

Hermione pondered for a moment before suggesting, "What about Sage?"

"Sage?" Ron repeated, intrigued. "I like it!"

Hermione smiled, pleased with the choice.

"Alright, Hannah, what about you?" Harry asked, turning to their newest honorary member.

Hannah paused, considering her options. "What about Ember?"

"Ember?" Ron echoed, nodding approvingly. "That sounds warm and powerful. I like it!"

Hannah nodded with a smile.

With the codenames selected, Harry nodded in approval. "Redbolt, Sage, and Ember, welcome to the ranks of MageX. Together, we'll continue to protect Hogwarts and all those who call it home."

With the codenames selected, Harry nodded in approval. "Redbolt, Sage, and Ember, welcome to the ranks of MageX. Together, we'll continue to protect Hogwarts and all those who call it home. And let's not forget," he added with a grin, "we'll also be spreading laughter and mischief wherever we go."

The group exchanged excited glances, already feeling the camaraderie and thrill of their new identities. Harry, still maintaining his faux serious expression, continued, "Now, for the first order of business: a prank on the first day of school."

Ron, or rather, Redbolt, leaned forward eagerly. "What do you have in mind, Marauder?"

Harry's eyes sparkled with mischief. "I've been thinking about something classic. How about enchanting the Great Hall's ceiling to display everyone's most embarrassing memory instead of the usual sky?"

Hermione, or Sage, frowned slightly. "Harry, that might be a bit too much. Maybe something a little less... invasive?"

Harry considered this and nodded. "Fair point, Sage. How about we charm the suits of armor to dance and sing whenever someone walks by them?"

Ember, formerly Hannah, giggled. "That sounds brilliant! And it's harmless enough."

Redbolt grinned. "I love it. Imagine Filch's face when he sees the armor dancing!"

Susan, or Veritas, nodded approvingly. "It'll definitely set the tone for the year. A little fun and harmless mischief."

Jean, or Phoenix, added with a smile, "And it will be a great way to introduce MageX to the rest of the school."

With their plan set, the group leaned back in their seats, already anticipating the chaos and laughter their prank would bring. The train continued its journey toward Hogwarts, and the newly formed MageX felt ready for the adventures and mischief that awaited them.

As the train chugged along towards Hogwarts, the compartment door slid open, revealing Draco Malfoy, flanked by his ever-present cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco wore his usual sneer, clearly ready for his regularly scheduled attempt to get on Harry's nerves.

"Well, well, if it isn't Potter and his band of misfits," Draco drawled, his eyes sweeping over the group with disdain.

Harry, still in his faux serious mode, looked up calmly. "Malfoy," he greeted, his tone deliberately neutral. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Draco's eyes lingered on Harry for a moment, taking in his taller and more muscular frame. "I see you've been eating your Wheaties, Potter. Trying to look less like a scrawny broomstick?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Just growing up, Malfoy. You should try it sometime."

Ron snickered. "Still stuck with the same old insults, Malfoy? I guess some things never change."

Draco's sneer faltered slightly, but he quickly recovered. "At least I'm not compensating for something," he shot back, though his words lacked their usual sting.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly, Malfoy, don't you have anything better to do?"

Draco glared at her. "Mind your own business, Granger. Just because Potter decided to bulk up doesn't mean he's any less pathetic."

Jean leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with amusem*nt. "Why don't you run along? We're busy planning something you'll never be a part of."

Draco's sneer turned into a curious frown as he looked at her. "And who might you be?" he asked, his tone dripping with condescension.

Jean met his gaze evenly. "Jean Grey," she replied simply, her calm demeanor unshaken by Draco's attitude.

Draco raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Another Mudblood, I suppose?"

Before anyone could react, Harry's voice cut through the tension. "Watch your mouth, Malfoy. Jean's more powerful than you can imagine."

Draco snorted, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "I highly doubt that," he muttered.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Jean's eyes flashed golden for a brief second, and Draco suddenly found himself floating in mid-air, unable to move.

Draco's sneer vanished, replaced by a look of shock and fear. "What... what's happening?" he stammered, his voice tinged with panic.

Crabbe and Goyle, seeing their leader in distress, lunged forward to intervene, but before they could reach Jean, Harry sprang into action. With enhanced speed, strength, and agility, he intercepted them, blocking their path with ease.

"Sorry, boys," Harry said, his voice carrying a note of authority. "This is between Jean and Malfoy."

Crabbe and Goyle, caught off guard by Harry's sudden intervention, hesitated, unsure of what to do next. They exchanged uneasy glances, but seeing the determined look in Harry's eyes, they reluctantly backed down, albeit reluctantly.

Meanwhile, Draco continued to hover in mid-air, his panic growing with each passing second.

Jean maintained her calm demeanor, her eyes still glowing faintly. "Just a little demonstration of what I can do, Malfoy," she said, her tone deceptively calm.

Harry raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Told you she's more powerful than you thought."

Draco's face paled as the realization sank in. He struggled against the invisible force holding him aloft, but to no avail. Panic flickered in his eyes as he looked to his cronies for help, but Crabbe and Goyle could only watch in stunned silence, unable to intervene under Harry's watchful gaze.

"Put me down!" Draco demanded, his voice laced with desperation.

Jean's gaze remained steady. "Not until you learn to show a little more respect, Malfoy."

With a flick of her hand, Jean released her hold on Draco, and he dropped unceremoniously back onto the train compartment seat, his legs buckling under him.

Gasping for breath and visibly shaken, Draco scrambled to regain his composure. He shot a wary glance at Jean before muttering a curt, "I'll remember this," and hastily exiting the compartment, his two henchmen following closely behind.

As the door closed behind them, the group exchanged a mixture of shocked and amused glances.

"Well, that was unexpected," Hermione remarked, breaking the silence.

Ron grinned. "Remind me never to get on Jean's bad side."

Harry chuckled. "Agreed. Now, where were we?" he said, turning back to the group as they resumed planning their prank.

Suddenly, the train lurched to a halt, and a chilling cold swept through the compartment, causing everyone to shiver involuntarily.

"What's going on?" Hermione asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Before anyone could respond, the compartment door flew open, and a pale-faced student stumbled in, their breath visible in the frigid air.

Harry's heart sank as he exchanged a worried glance with his friends. The presence of the icy chill could only mean one thing: something was terribly wrong.

"What's happening?" Ron asked, his voice tinged with alarm.

Before anyone could respond, the compartment door flew open, and a pale-faced student stumbled in, their breath visible in the frigid air.

"It's... it's..." the student stammered, struggling to find the words.

Harry's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. He knew they needed to act quickly, despite their lack of understanding of the danger.

"Stay calm," Harry said, his voice steady despite the rising panic. "We need to stick together."

Hermione's brow furrowed in confusion. "But what's happening? Why is it so cold?"

Just as Harry was about to respond, the train lurched to a halt, and the temperature plummeted even further.

"Something's not right," Hermione murmured, her concern evident.

Harry nodded grimly. "We need to be ready for anything."

With a sense of urgency, Harry led the group in huddling together, trying to fend off the bone-chilling cold. They exchanged worried glances, bracing themselves for whatever mysterious danger lurked outside the compartment.

As the train lurched to a halt and the chilling cold seeped into the compartment, a sense of unease settled over Harry and his friends. They exchanged worried glances, their hearts pounding with fear of the unknown.

Suddenly, the compartment door was flung open, and hooded figures glided in, their presence ominous and foreboding. Harry's breath caught in his throat as he recognized them, having heard about them from Sirius: Dementors, the dark guardians of Azkaban.

The students gasped in terror, instinctively shrinking back as the Dementors filled the compartment with their oppressive aura. Ron's hand trembled as he reached for his wand, while Hermione's eyes widened in fear.

But just as the Dementors began to close in, Harry and Jean sprang into action. With a surge of willpower, they released their own powers in the form of a wave of Psionic energy, their determination pulsating with raw force.

The Dementors stopped in their tracks, their hooded forms quivering as they recoiled from the sudden onslaught of psychic energy. The air crackled with intensity as Harry and Jean's Psionic waves clashed with the darkness of the Dementors' presence.

In Harry's mind, the Phoenix Force screamed with primal fury, urging him to exterminate these abominations. Its fiery essence surged through him, lending him strength and power beyond measure.

Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment as she watched the display of raw power before her. She could feel the energy coursing through the compartment, swirling and crackling with otherworldly intensity.

Ron's grip on his wand tightened as he stood ready to assist, his fear momentarily forgotten in the face of his friends' incredible display of strength.

As the clash between Psionic energy and darkness raged on, the compartment seemed to tremble with the sheer magnitude of the forces at play. Harry and Jean stood firm, their determination unwavering as they fought to drive back the encroaching darkness and protect their friends.

Amidst the chaotic struggle, Harry felt a sudden surge of power coursing through him. Instinctively, he reached out with his mind and tapped into his mutation. With a surge of energy, he began to absorb the darkness emanating from the Dementors.

At first, the sensation was overwhelming, as if he was being pulled into an abyss of despair. But Harry remained steadfast, drawing on the strength of the Phoenix Force to shield himself from the darkness and turn it to his advantage.

Jean watched in awe as Harry's aura began to glow with a brilliant, golden light. She could sense the raw power radiating from him, a testament to his indomitable will and inner strength.

The Dementors, sensing the shift in the balance of power, recoiled in fear, their ethereal forms flickering and fading in the face of Harry's relentless assault.

With each passing moment, Harry absorbed more and more of the darkness, his connection to the Phoenix Force amplifying his abilities beyond anything he had ever experienced before.

As the last remnants of the Dementors' influence faded away, Harry's aura blazed with renewed intensity, the darkness transformed into pure, radiant energy.

With a final surge of power, Harry expelled the absorbed darkness in a burst of golden light, banishing it from the compartment entirely. The air crackled with residual energy as the threat of the Dementors was vanquished once and for all.

The students let out a collective sigh of relief as the tension in the compartment lifted, the oppressive chill replaced by a sense of warmth and security. Harry stood at the center of it all, his expression calm yet determined, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

Harry Potter: MageX - Chapter 19 - Vikrant_Utekar - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.