Treatments - Cancer Treatments - from Research to Application (2024)

I talked with Dr Holland and he gave permission for me to show it here.
He is a very kind person and wants to help people.

See all our scientific papers and documents at this link:
ps. If you haven’t already seen it, please watch this TED talk on shattering cancer with nontoxic pulsed electric fields (and pass along the link to family, friends and colleagues)

This may be a bit lengthy, but I hope it you will find it informative.

First, I must give you this general disclaimer:

Please understand that I am not a medical doctor and therefore cannot give
any medical advice. My comments are simply for educational & informational
purposes only and based upon my personal experience in laboratory experiments
with microorganisms and cells in vitro. What follows is just my personal opinion
and should not be taken in any way as medical advice please.

Our research has been exclusively with the device invented by the American
physician Dr. James Bare. You can reach him at this email:
and this website:
I cannot vouch for the effectiveness of any other ‘frequency’ type
device in killing cancer cells or pathogenic organisms in vitro as this is the only device
our laboratory has worked with to date.

If you contact Dr. Bare, be sure to ask about his PGM-1 device,
which is nearly identical to the electronics we use in our laboratory experiments.

April 15, 2017

I visited your website and found it to be very interesting.
You have my permission to post this entire email to your
website, if you find that is appropriate.

Please include our disclaimer at the top, which is similar
to the disclaimer on your website. It’s important for people
to understand that our laboratory experiments are still
being performed and studied and that we report all results
to our company website. However, I am not a medical doctor
and cannot suggest any medical treatments whatsoever.

yes, we work with cancer cells every day in our laboratory,
as we try to find the most effective frequencies to destroy them
and slow their growth, but our experiments to date are only
‘in vitro’, and our electronics have not been tested in any
animals yet.

We have been doing this work for over a 11 years now and are
convinced that it will lead to a future cancer treatment that
will be nontoxic, noninvasive and inexpensive.

Kind regards,

Anthony Holland
President, Novobiotronics Inc.
Regarding our current research in the use of frequency-specific
Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to kill cancer cells,
we are only in the early stages of this work and this work is
currently restricted to working only with cells ‘in vitro’, meaning
cells grown in special plastic dishes. We cannot work with
human patients at this point and while this of course is our
goal, I suspect it will be some years before we can engage
in clinical trials (and of course it requires many millions of
dollars to go through the FDA medical approval process,
a daunting task to be sure).

There may be some physicians working with the same
device we use to destroy cancer cells in vitro, but I do
not know them personally. You might contact the device’s
inventor, Dr. James Bare, at the email listed above, to inquire
about this. He may know more.

I can tell you this, I have sat next to Dr. Bare’s device
for nearly 10 years now while running experiments
against microorganisms (some quite pathogenic) and
cancer cells. I have seen the machine destroy up to
60% of cancer cells under the microscope (as measured
by top cancer research experts). It is very impressive
in our laboratory experiments.

It is worth noting that the use of frequency-specific electric fields
is now approved, in some forms, by the American FDA (a government
organization which controls what type of treatments patients may
receive) for use against specific types of cancer (Glioma, brain cancer)
and is now in stage 2 trials for lung and breast cancer. The company
which has managed to go so far through the US FDA trial program
(costing many millions of dollars) is called “Novocure”. While their
technology has proven affective against cancer cells and pathogenic
organisms, our laboratory testing seems to suggest that our device
which uses a plasma antenna is even more effective, but since our small
research company does not have the many millions of dollars that
Novocure has, we are unable to work through the FDA trial process
at this time. Nonetheless, we will continue our research to find the most
effective frequencies against human cancer cells (in vitro only for now).
We hope that the data we provide the public will one day result in a
greater general acceptance of this technology for medical uses.

And while nothing I write here should be
construed in any way as medical advice
(just my opinion as a non medical person), I can tell you
that should I contract cancer, I would take several actions….

1. I would probably sleep very close to the plasma tube
of Dr. Bare’s device every night, bathing myself in the
OPEF for hours a night. This of course could have some
potential dangers and I would have to be vigilant about
how I am feeling, starting first with a relatively brief
exposure (maybe an hour at first), then gradually expanding
the duration if I’m feeling ok the next day.) The potential danger,
as explained to me by a cancer surgeon at Thomas Jefferson
University Medical College in 2010, is that if you can actually
‘shatter’ (‘lyse’) cancer cells with OPEF, then you’d have to
be alert for ‘tumor lysis syndrome’, which would mean you are
‘shattering’ so many cancer cells at once that the kidneys could
become overwhelmed with the debris and be in danger.
I think I would have to have a doctor friend who could help
monitor my kidney function while I was running Dr. Bare’s
OPEF device nightly while I slept. In fact, if my body could
withstand it, I would probably spend all day next to Dr. Bare’s
device, but again, I would be very cautious to monitor how I was
feeling and have a doctor friend keep a close eye on my situation.
I would want to be sure to have the latest electronics from Dr. Bare,
as there have been many developments and improvements over
the past 10 years. I would want the exact same setup I have in
the Novobiotronics lab right now (what I call a ‘classic OM2’ setup).
It has withstood many hours of operation under laboratory experimentation.

note: two companies (including ours) have found that cancer is vulnerable
between 100khz-225khz. 100khz has been listed as being ‘generally’ effective
on numerous types of cancer cells, but most cells have a more specific frequency
to which they will be most vulnerable. We often use a slow ‘sweep’, ranging from
100khz-200khz spending at least 30 min on each frequency (moving in 5,000hz
increments. For example: 100khz (30 min), then 105,000khz (30 min) etc.).
Our research work involves finding the more specific frequencies for different
types of cancer cells in vitro. This work is on going and time consuming, but
we are doing are best to collect data and to find the most effective frequencies
in vitro.

2. This new video series: “The Truth About Cancer” by Ty Bollinger is filled with amazing
information about important alternative cancer treatments.
here’s a link to “The Truth About Cancer” episode 1:

Here’s a link to “The Truth About Cancer” episode 2:

Here’s a link to Ty Bollinger’s facebook: The Truth About Cancer:

3. This may be of interest to you:

I just read about a cancer researcher who cured a
terminal case of liver cancer using her patented
drug called 3BP. You can read about the history of
it and her work in the book titled:

“Tripping Over the Truth: The Metabolic Theory of Cancer”
by Travis Christofferson

Her name is Dr. Young Hee Ko, PhD

check out her website and give her a call
to see if your mother might be able to benefit
from her discovery. The story in the book is
absolutely a miracle cure for a young man’s
liver cancer (usually considered incurable) and
the book says that 3BP works for many types
of cancers. This is really an exciting possibility!
Dr. Ko is really on to something!!

Here’s her website:

4. I would seriously consider immediately adapting to
a ketogenic diet. This may well starve the cancer of
the sugar and carbs it needs to stay alive.

Here’s an important video to watch:

see this book:


Cancer lives on sugar or on the carbs the body converts to sugar.
substantial evidence now exists which suggests we can starve the cancer
into submission by eating this restricted diet. We can survive just fine on
the diet apparently, but cancer cannot.

5. If the cancer were affecting my brain, I would give very serious
consideration to going to Houston, Texas right away and meeting with
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski at the Burzynski Clinic. Dr. Burzynski has had
numerous ‘terminal’ brain cancer patients, all of whom had exhausted
conventional medical treatments without success, and has managed to
completely cure many of them (some now 20 and 30 years later still
alive and in good health!). Burzynski is a controversial figure in the
medical world, but his science holds up very well under serious scrutiny
and I believe him to be a man of courage, determination and dedication to
his patients. You can learn a great deal about his work in this online
documentary (updated in 2016):

here’s the clinic:

6. the company “Novocure” has an FDA approved
frequency specific electric field treatment for brain cancer.
Here is their latest news:

Their full website is here and well worth studying:

7. For cancer related to the pancreas, you might take a serious look at
the work of Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, who has some patients alive today
after 20 or more years other doctors said they wold be dead from their
pancreatic cancer. Dr. Gonzales uses a nutritional approach for treatment
along with the use of lots of pancreatic enzymes (Trypsin etc.)
For details go to:

Note: Dr. Gonzales passed away quite recently (summer of 2015)
but his work is being carried forward by his colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs.

also watch this video with a great interview with Dr. Gonzales:

8. I would seriously consider high dose
intravenous vitamin C.

Again, this is not my advice to you,
just my personal opinion on what I would for myself.

This might seem odd coming from somebody
who has spent 10 years working with Dr. Bare’s invention
in laboratory experiments, but an email I received recently
from a friend who was researching alternative cancer
therapies…..revealed to me that high dose IV C has been
re-evaluated by modern researchers and has been found
to be highly toxic to cancer cells, but harmless to human cells.

Below is part of an email my friend recently sent me on
high does IV vitamin C. I’m also attaching a published
scientific paper, for your personal reference only please,
where you can read the amazing research about high does
intravenous vitamin C.

This scientific paper clearly points out that high dose
intravenous vitamin C is highly toxic to cancer cells
but apparently harmless to healthy cells. But, I am not
a doctor and cannot recommend any treatments whatsoever,
I am only telling you what I might do should I contract cancer
myself some day.

9. Only recently, I have seen an interview with a serious
researcher in Spain who talks about killing brain cancer
cells with a simple substance used medically in Europe
and only in some states in the USA:

Video of Dr. Christina Sanchez:

10. Lastly, below is the information on vitamin C my friend sent.
I think you will find it interesting!

I wish you all the best in your effort to stop the cancer!
Please remember, this is just the course of action I would take
were I facing a serious condition with cancer. I cannot recommend
any of these steps to you as I am not a medical doctor and nothing
I have written should be taken as medical advice. It is offered
for educational and informational purposes only.
I’m sure you understand why I have to write this.

High dose Intravenous Vitamin C

After researching your question on the internet,
I am more convinced than ever that high does vitamin C
is the way to go for any person with cancer. Recent published
scientific studies (very good one attached to this email as
a pdf file) clearly show that high dose IV C is very effective
in killing some types of cancer cells. I’m really amazed at
how much they have learned….and have totally revealed
the truth that Linus Pauling was right! (well, he had two Nobel
prizes of course, the first was in 1953 in chemistry).

Here’s a link that talks about the use of high dose
vitamin C and how it is toxic to cancer:

Here’s an excellent link that also has information about
RECENT scientific studies that showed that high dose
intravenous vitamin C had a very good impact against cancer
cells……I suggest reading all the information at this link->

Apparently, there was a very good study done by the US FDA (surprising!) indicating that high dose Vitamin C is harmless to healthy cells but kills cancer cells. (When Linus Pauling had published his research on Vitamin C, it was improperly ‘debunked’ by the Mayo Clinic, which did NOT give the high dose Vitamin C intravenously, but rather orally. You cannot take enough vitamin C orally to destroy the cancer cells, according to Pauling’s work, so it was obviously done wrong (perhaps on purpose). (also, oral ingestion of C and intravenous C are treated differently in the body apparently, according to the last link I include below).

I’m attaching a PDF file which is a recent scientific study that once again confirms Pauling’s assertion that high dose Intravenous Vitamin C can be very effective against cancer cells (see attached PDF file please).

A key summary of that research is:
“These findings give plausibility to i.v. ascorbic acid in cancer treatment, and have unexpected implications for treatment of infections where H2O2 may be beneficial.”

another key summary point in this attached article:
The findings indicate that ascorbate at pharmacologic concentrations in blood may be a pro-drug for H2O2 delivery to tissues, with major therapeutic implications.

Note that this study treated cancer cells with Vitamin C for only 1 hour!
They apparently had very good results with that. Imagine if you could
have an IV drip (“infusion”) of high dose vitamin C for several hours! (this would be one of my choices if I had cancer and needed treatment).

As I read this attached article (what a gold mine of REAL information on Vitamin C and cancer)…. 90% of the tested cancer cells were killed 14 hours after exposure to IV levels of vitamin C. What’s more, they used relatively conservative concentration levels of vitamin C in solution (5mM) (micro-molar) (at one point in the paper, they show you can go up to 20mM…but they didn’t need to go that high of a concentration level in order to kill up to 90% of the cancer cells some 14 hours after only a 1 hour exposure! It’s amazing really!

The paper data indicates that you must achieve a concentration level of at least 2mM in the serum to kill the cancer cells.

The paper indicates that the mechanism of action of vitamin C killing cancer cells is that it causes H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) to be formed between the cancer cells, the H2O2 passes through the cancer cell membranes and is toxic to them, and kills them.

They state that IV use of C:

Like glucose, when ascorbate is infused i.v., the resulting pharmacologic concentrations should distribute rapidly in the extracellular water space (42).

Meaning, it should be safe to use high dose vitamin C via an IV….as it will move out of the blood stream quickly and into the intercellular water around the cancer cells (does not harm normal cells apparently, this is a weakness of cancer cells only apparently).

This paper says:

Ascorbate administered i.v. is likely to be safe in most patients, with virtually no toxicity compared to most currently available cancer chemotherapeutic agents. The occurrence of one predicted complication, oxalate kidney stones, is controversial (13).

so the only worry might be the possible formation of kidney stones, but kidney stones are easily dealt with with standard procedures today.

Here’s the key answer to your question on does level of vitamin C for cancer treatment (from this paper):

More than 100 patients have been described, presumably without glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defi- ciency, who received 10 g or more of i.v. ascorbate with no reported adverse effects other than tumor lysis (3, 4, 15, 59). However, these descriptions lack formal safety documentation. Complementary and alternative medicine practitioners worldwide currently use ascorbate i.v. in doses as high as 70 g over several hours (14, 15, 59). Because i.v. ascorbate is easily available to people who seek it, a phase I safety trial in patients with advanced cancer is justified and underway.

So it would seem you might want to start with 10 grams, see if there are no bad reactions, and gradually ratchet up as high as 70 grams (I had remembered reading a figure of 50 grams somewhere). However, you have to be very careful to find an appropriate supplier for the high dose vitamin C. You need to find a physician who is willing to give the patient the high dose vitamin C and who is familiar with this treatment method. [ During my research for this email to you, I learned that there are some “Infusion” clinics that do high dose IV C. See below].

This link says that patients have been able to tolerate doses as high as 100 grams/day:

You might try phoning that clinic and asking where they get supplies for their high does vitamin C therapy.

Search the internet for doctors in the area where the patient currently is and search for doctors who can treat using high does vitamin C.

Here’s a facility at the university of Kansas that has a high dose Vitamin C infusion clinic. You could contact them to ask about how to obtain the appropriate supplies :

I suggest reading the material in that link above….very informative!

here’s a precaution before starting vitamin C therapy:

What is a G6PD blood test and why should I get the results from that test before I start the vitamin C infusions? ( – )

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an inherited condition in which a person’s body doesn’t have enough of the G6PD enzyme. G6PD helps red blood cells function normally. Patients with this deficiency should not receive vitamin C infusions because it can cause hemolytic anemia.

Much very good information to be learned in that last link:

What’s the frequency and duration of the vitamin C infusions? ( – )

Patients are started out at a low dosage and work their way up to the therapeutic level. Once at therapeutic level, the infusions will take between 2-3 hours. Recommendations for frequency and duration of infusions are made by one of our physicians and based on the presenting diagnosis and severity of the condition.

Will my insurance cover the costs of the vitamin C infusions? ( – )

They will not cover them in most cases. Alternative medicine doctors must use billing codes that are not usually accepted by insurance companies. And because vitamin C infusions are not FDA approved, insurance companies are not inclined to cover costs. Vitamin C infusions range in price from $125.00 to $160.00.

(note: when you look at that cost for a high does IV C treatment/infusion, you quickly understand why the ‘cancer industry’ is suppressing this information…. chemotherapy treatment costs about $250,000 (big income for the hospital and drug companies) but high does IV C is much much cheaper. One chemo treatment can cost many thousands of dollars but the IV C infusion is less than $200 per treatment. This is information that the drug companies and cancer doctors do not want the public to know about, it would destroy the ‘cancer industrial complex’

How do I become a patient of the Integrative Medicine Clinic? ( – )

Please visit the consultations section of our website by clicking on the following link for more information: ( + )

Contact KUMC
University of Kansas
Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160

Contact those folks for help in finding a Vitamin C infusion clinic near your patient!

Anthony Holland
Novobiotronics Inc.
Novobiotronics • Shattering Cancer ~ One Cell At A Time!

Treatments - Cancer Treatments - from Research to Application (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.